In a day comes a radio announcer and dj Le Gammeltofts face to lie on Instagram – doctored so it looks like scary much, that she has been beaten up.

the radio host has multiple women in his circle, who have been at the shelter with their children, and among other things therefore, she has chosen to be with in the campaign Together against the violence of the shelter Form, which must focus on the thousands of Danish women who every year are being subjected to violence by their husband or boyfriend.

– First and foremost, it is a wildly important issue. To get broken the silence surrounding domestic violence. And so, particularly here with the psychological violence. There are many who do not dare to stand up, because it’s still extremely taboo.

– The important thing is that the campaign also shows that it is in all social strata, there are physical and psychological violence. We have almost all anyone in our neighbors, both near and far, who have been subjected to one or another. Whether it is mental or physical violence, it is subordinate, but it is just quite widespread and is terrible. We are talking not about it, ” says Le Gammeltoft.

Thursday begins the campaign of the year, which is the oldest women’s center, Forms, age of 40 years. Seven celebrity Instagram-bloggers, who together have more than 300,000 followers on the social media, have chosen to put a face to the campaign.

In a day users can follow in the women’s so-called ‘stories’ on Instagram, where their faces will appear in several stages – gradually more tortured and bruised to look at.

Violence against women

Each year, there are 38.000 women subjected to physical violence from their partner. About twice as many – 72.000 women – are victims of psychological violence.

The mental violence is all about, that the threats, acts and humiliating behavior control and dominate another human being.

For violence against men, the figures are lower. 19.000 men a year are subjected to physical violence and 22.000 are victims of psychological violence.

More than 9000 women between the ages of 16 and 24 years have been subjected to physical violence from their partner.

About 2000 women and the corresponding number of children live each year in a shelter because of violence from a partner.

44 percent of women suffer from PTSD-symptoms, and have at some point feared for their lives, their child’s life or someone close to them.

Source: Form – Denmark’s oldest shelter

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– actually, I think it was pretty violent to make. We tried to joke with it as we were doctored, but there is no doubt that there was a seriousness in the room. Most of us have known or know of one that has been exposed to some things in a relationship, so personally, I think it was extremely violent. It gave me a knot in my stomach, and it brought me directly into some of the women I have in my entourage. The sadness and helplessness they must feel.

– I sent a picture to my husband, when I had been doctored, and he could not hold out to look at it. He could hardly even talk about it, and it made big impression on him to see my face so bruised, says Le Gammeltoft.

Symptoms for abused

MavepineHårtabSøvnløshedSmå fetuses with gravideForringet forældreevneNedsat arbejdsevneDepressionAngst

Source: Form – Denmark’s oldest shelter

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the Blogger Mette Marie Lei Long is another of the seven women who have chosen to put a face to the campaign. Mette Marie’s sister has for five years been working hard as a volunteer in Forming, and she could see the engagement, her sister laid in the shelter, that it is a ‘crazy good organisation’, says the blogger to the Extra Blade on one of his reasons for participating in the promotion.

– I think that the campaign will be one that gets noticed. It’s going to be some people, who usually have a relatively velpoleret image and looks good on Instagram, and now suddenly these pictures of us, which is becoming more and more pained to look at. It is something that gets people to stop up an extra time, but my fear is that someone will be provoked by the campaign, because it is so graphic.

– I am prepared that there are some people who are going to be encountered, but the sacrifice brings I like if it means, that there are some women, who seizes the bone and get a new life, as they deserve, says Mette Marie Lei Long.

How can you help a battered?

It can be difficult to reach out to a close friend or acquaintance who you think will be exposed to physical or psychological violence in a relationship.

It is still very taboo, and the characters can be hard to identify, says Mette Marie Yde, who is the Head of Communication and Knowledge in Forming.

– You can do many things for him. Many of the women who come into our shelter have a story about who it was, looked them deep in the eyes and asked, ’Are you quite alright?, says Mette Marie Grant.

– Select the timing with care, if you want to talk with them. It’s not that their attacker is present.

the Relationship you sincere and caring to the person and ask if there is anything you can help with. Express your concern for him – instead of saying ‘I think you will be beaten’.

– have the courage to do it and reach out.

– Tell the person how the person can get help – it may be to recommend a shelter.

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the Blogger has never even had the violence inside of the life. Either among themselves or among acquaintances, but she is in no doubt that she would intervene if it was among someone she knows.

– I have very great respect for the women who are changing their life and coming out of the violence. They have overcome something, I never even have overcome. If it was something that was going on in my circle of friends, so I would naturally intervene. I think we all would say. But I think, ultimately, it is the woman who is exposed to violence, there is need to make the choice to get out of it.

– If we can do something to break some stereotypes down, then the choice becomes less hard and slow to reach, so we managed the campaign, says Mette Marie Lei Long.