The fog over London’s government district does not want to scan. Who had thought after the crushing defeat of the British Prime Minister Theresa May before the two weeks, that the Chaos in the British Brexit policy cannot be increased, will be taught in the light of the votes by Tuesday evening. The house of deputies adopted equally applications, with which both a No-Deal scenario is to be prevented are required, as well as renegotiation with the EU. Once again, it means Everything back to the beginning.

the result of The vote shows the whole Drama of British politics, which means nothing Less than the biggest political crisis on the island since the Second world war: The responsible, Theresa May, are not in a position, the vote of the British from June 2016 to implement. At the time, a slight majority for Brexit. But what are the practical conclusions from the Referendum two years ago follow – a tough break with the EU, a customs Union, or not a Brexit – that is until today unclear.

After all, have made the votes in the lower house, clearly, that there are two strong currents in the British Parliament. The hard core of the Brexiteers relies on a renegotiation of that deal, with the May mid-month in Parliament, so clearly had failed. In a surprising Volte, the head of government is received now in the last Minute on the hardliners, and has damned the agreement with the EU, which had praised just two weeks ago, in a sense, as the only alternative.

“Chicken Game” between the EU and London

Of one’s own credibility has done May any favours. Rather, it seems to be so, as if she wanted to challenge the EU now, two months before the planned Leaving date, a kind of “Chicken Game”: Who blinks first, loses. The dispute revolves around the long-between the EU and London agreed emergency solution for the North of the Irish island where a hard limit should be avoided. May know that the EU does not want to change this reinsurance fundamentally. But you want to leave it nevertheless, on a political poker game to arrive, in the hope that the EU will relent in the end for fear of a No-Deal-Brexit. But after that, it’s not.

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In the second flow, the lower house is also a great support, it is precisely about the opposite: The Option of an uncontrolled exit of Britain from the EU, which hardly anyone in the UK and on the continent will, by the will of many members is now cleared. That would at least created a bit of planning security for citizens and businesses, even if it remains unclear how future economic relations between the UK and the EU will look like in the end.

A second Referendum is in the distance

The third Option, namely that the Brexit is true, the votes from Tuesday night is not necessarily more likely to become. The lies in the first line, especially on the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, the fear continues to anger many ordinary voters in the North of England, if it should come to a second Referendum.

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Brexit Deal under the house don’t want a hard Brexit and renegotiations

Nantke Garrelts Oliver Bilger

true: The Brexit and what the politicians in Westminster it is similar to a movie, to see constantly the same sequences. The Brexit annoys the British. Worse still, He strained the nerves of all the Europeans that have any ties across the English channel. The tug of war for the exit of the British, which felt to the EU anyway, never really belonging, will last a while – not only because of the votes from Tuesday evening, had test character. If the gathered house the next Time to a “meaningful vote”, which is binding, has character, will, hopefully, prevail at least a little more clarity.