“The fight for brexit has become a chicken race”

“the British parliament will not accept that the country will leave the EU without an agreement.”

“With the signal undermines the prime minister Theresa Mays bargaining power vis-à-vis the EU.”

“Why should the EUROPEAN union go with the changes if they are fairly certain that the british still did not crash out of the EU?”

“If brexitfrågan is already complicated, so has the chaos now further increased by the conflicting instructions as to the uk parliament on Tuesday night gave to the prime minister.”

“the house of Commons has the last month shown that they are in total disagreement about the brexit. If it is to get rid of and how it should look. The disagreement was demonstrated yet again when the parliament voted on the direction of the brexitprocessen to take forward.”

“A majority voted in favour of the that May should return to Brussels and try to negotiate parts of the agreement which she had already declared themselves satisfied with, but which was voted down by an overwhelming majority a few weeks ago.happened took this decision despite the fact that the EUROPEAN union has repeatedly made it clear that there can be no question of any renegotiation.”

“the Hope is that the EU, when they see that a majority in the house of commons is prepared to adopt brexitavtalet only they get to certain changes, to change and to agree on a renegotiation.”

“the Chance of this happening must be very small. It would mean a 180 degree turn by the EU.”

“the Possibility that the EU must change itself was further reduced when a majority of the parliament at Westminster at the same time, instructed the prime minister to ensure that the country does not leave the EU without an agreement, a so-called”

“the Confusion continues with other words.”

“Just two months remaining before the Uk, according to a now law should leave the EU, with or without an agreement. Still continues May, and a large part of the british politicians, that banging your head against the wall in an attempt to achieve the impossible.”

“May have to the present day claims that the agreement she negotiated with the EU was the only agreement that was possible and the best possible. She has already once been in Brussels and tried to get the EU to change and negotiate the agreement. The time it became tvärnej.”

“Now she wants to do the same thing again, with the decision by parliament in the back.nNågot directly was confronted by a blank no of EU president Donald Tusk and the president of France together with Macros. It is enough that an EU country to oppose a renegotiation, so there will be no.”

“the stumbling block is still the so-called our backup plan is going to there should be no hard border between the republic of Ireland, a member of the EU and northern Ireland, which, after the 29 march to submit as part of the Uk. This in order not to threaten the fragile peace in northern Ireland.”

“our backup plan is going means that the british must remain in the EU customs union, so long as you do not jointly agree on a different solution for Irlandsgränsen. It was not during the six months of intense negotiations, so how to do it now is a mystery. Especially as it was May who asked if our backup plan is going to, she refused to have a border between northern Ireland and the united kingdom.”

“the Votes in the parliament during Tuesday night gives no information about what the final outcome will be. The total uncertainty persists.”

“Because the parliament is likely to vote again in two weeks so it means that both the May and the house of commons continues to kick the can forward along the street.nMay tactics becoming more and more apparent. By expending even more time on a likely futile attempt to get the EU to change, she hopes to scare the faction within his own party who want to brexit but who disapprove of her agreement. When the deadline is approaching her calculation, but the fact that they are going to vote for her agreement because the alternative, then most likely is that there will be no brexit at all.”

“Who wins this chicken race remains to be seen.”