“Brexit pushed not up – parliament May renegotiating utträdesavtalet”

“The british parliament has voted down a proposal that could result in a brexit could be postponed.”

“the Parliament voted for an amendment relating to our backup plan is going about northern Ireland – and demands to Theresa May, renegotiating utträdesavtalet.”

“During the Tuesday, parliament voted no to the amendments from Labour’s Yvette Cooper. Tilläggsförslaget included that Theresa May would have until the end of February to negotiate a new contract. If the parliament had not approved the agreement, parliament would, according to the supplementary agreement, have an opportunity to ask the EUROPEAN union for a postponed exit.”

“But the proposal was voted down in a ballot that ended 321-298.”

“the Require May are renegotiating the agreement.”

“Parliament has also voted yes to Graham Brady amendment, which require that our backup plan is going on the northern Ireland shall be replaced by ”alternative arrangements”, this is to avoid a hard limit.”

“the Vote on the amendment ended with 317-301. Both the DUP and Conservative party brexitförespråkare supported the amendment.”

“Theresa May must thus make a new attempt to renegotiate the utträdesavtalet.”

“the EU ”Not negotiable””

“But according to the EU ambassador to the council president, Donald Tusk, is not a discussion about the ”alternative arrangement” possible.”

“– Utträdesavtalet is and continues to be the best and the only way to ensure an orderly exit from the EU for the Uk. Our backup plan is going with northern Ireland is a part of the utträdesavtalet and utträdesavtalet is not negotiable, ” he said in a statement, according to Reuters.”

“During Tuesday night, the european parliament voted also yes to a proposal to try to exclude a avtalslöst exit, the vote resulted in 318-310. In the proposal it is not clear how this is to be done.”