905 of the reported cases concern the fraud of unemployment benefits or arbeidsavklaringspenger (AAP). This is about people who have worked and earned money, not to inform Nav about it, and thus they have been paid for benefits they may not have had a claim on.

– It is a serious matter when someone who is employable and have an income, try to utilize the plans, and these should note the consequences such a choice can provide, says work and velferdsdirektør Sigrun Vågeng.

the Number of reviews has gone down over the last three years. Nav thinks it hangs together with better control methods, and that the Nav uncover issues earlier. The average reported amount for each case has also gone down.

– the Figures show a positive development, and much is due to the digital possibilities. It is not a destination for the Nav to review as many as possible, but in serious cases we will always review. Through faster clarification of minor issues, we can give priority to larger and more complex issues, ” says Vågeng.

She emphasizes that those who are reviewed, risk imprisonment, and in addition requires the Nav always money back.

Nav also work with other agencies to uncover economic crime. 58 persons were prosecuted for trygdesvindel and arbeidslivskriminalitet. These are matters that also have higher amounts. the

The largest case in year is about a person who is reported to have worked in black with freight transport, and yet has received 2.3 million in arbeidsavklaringspenger and disability insurance.

Hundreds lost income without decision. NAV-the boss lays down flat