The U.S. secret service and the FBI have on Tuesday presented their joint annual report on “worldwide threats”. At a subsequent hearing before the intelligence Committee of the Senate, Dan Coats, the national coordinator of the services, together with the Directors of the CIA, the FBI and the NSA and the military intelligence service DIA took questions from the senators.

Remarkably, in the annual report as to the statements of the heads of intelligence were estimates, which the government Trump and the President in the crucial points contradict each other. While Trump would like to meet in the next month after a first Meeting in Singapore in the summer of 2018, with North Korea’s dictator, Kim Jong-un and has repeatedly praised the progress in relations with Pyongyang, as well as the denuclearization of North Korea, warned of Coats before jumping to conclusions.

According to the assessment by American intelligence services, North Korea will try “his weapons of mass destruction to maintain”, therefore, it is unlikely that Pyongyang’s “nuclear weapons and nuclear production would give up capacity,” said Coats in front of the Committee. The North Korean leadership to consider these weapons as “critical for the Survival of the regime”, the national coordinator.

Was justified by the President Trump the American withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran, among other things, the non-compliance of the agreement by Tehran, in opposition to him, the secret service chiefs on Tuesday to the public. “At the Moment” believe that Iran is at least “technically” the requirements of the nuclear agreement, said CIA Director Gina reel.

intelligence services warn of new cyber attacks

And, unlike the President, had justified a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria with the destruction of the Islamic state, warned the annual report of the services before jumping to the news of the success of The Islamic state have to continue to “thousands of fighters in Syria and Iraq”, as well as across global networks.

The greatest threats saw the tips of the secret services in the growing capabilities of Russia and China, cyber attacks against American infrastructure and American elections. In front of the house intelligence Committee, Coats said that both Russia and China and Iran will see the presidential elections of 2020 as “an opportunity to promote their interests.”

These States, so Coats, would try by “on-line operations, to weaken democratic institutions, to make US alliances and partnerships, undermine, and thus policy in the United States and elsewhere”. The services also remain the fact that Moscow in 2016 in the US elections interfered. While President, Trump has been played to potential threats by Russia since his election victory, again and again, prophesied FBI Director Christopher Wray new Cyberanangriffe on US elections. More and more Nations showed interest in such a strategy, said Wray.

U.S.-Mexico border not a big issue

trump’s reference to the threat to national security at the U.S.-Mexico border due to illegal immigration and drugs will be assessed by the services as rather low. The situation at the border is first mentioned on page 18 of the 42-page report.

That the secret services to speak to the President, is not new. The massive rejection of trump’s publicly expressed views and Beliefs on Tuesday are likely to back encourage the President and his political allies in their suspicion that the American intelligence apparatus was the spearhead of a “Deep State”. This was favorable to the President’s hostile and wanting to prevent the implementation of its policy. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 29.01.2019, at 18:02