In July of last year was taken the first tentative steps toward direct negotiations between the united states, which has had truppnärvaro in Afghanistan in 17 years, and the taliban, which to date has mastered almost half of the afghan territory.

Then, six months ago, it was all about ”negotiations about negotiations”. Since then, representatives of the united states and the taliban met a further three times. And at the last round of talks in Qatar’s capital of Doha, which ended on Sunday, it started to really happen.

” the Taliban have committed themselves to do what is necessary to prevent Afghanistan ever becoming a platform for international terrorist groups or individual terrorists. We are very pleased with, said united’s chief Zalmay Khalilzad on Monday, the New York Times.

of Afghanistan in the late autumn of 2001 was that the taliban – which then ruled the country – refused to disclose al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, who found guilty of the september 11 attacks.

U.S. negotiator Zalmay Khalilzad is currently in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul where he informs Afghan president Ashraf Ghani about the latest round of negotiations.

President Ghani was not allowed to participate in the conversations that were held in Doha. He was shut out by the taliban, who consider Ashraf Ghani as ”illegitimate” president of Afghanistan and an ”american puppet”.

of afghan domestic politics regard as a clear sign of the president Ghanis weak position. The taliban have steadily gained ground through violence and terror, and Ashraf Ghanis government is now not even safe in the capital Kabul.

But the american negotiators are making great efforts to include president Ghani in the talks.

On Sunday, president Ashraf Ghani in a speech broadcast on tv to the afghan people in which he pointed out that the government ”will never compromise on national unity”.

the american military – the united states currently has about 14,000 troops stationed in Afghanistan – noted the president of the republic:

” No country wants foreign troops on its territory. But right now, we need these soldiers.

president of the united states Donald Trump gave more than a month ago the state the Pentagon instructed to develop a plan to reduce the u.s. military presence in Afghanistan. From 14,000 to about 7,000.

Analysts in the united states feared that a truppminskning may affect peace talks – the american influence would decline if the US negotiators have less military resources in the back. So far, however, no changes in the military numerären occurred.

even if they achieved some unexpected positive results, looks to be difficult regardless.

– There are many details that remain, admitted, U.S. representative, Zalmay Khalilzad.

A key issue is the conditions for a ceasefire, something that needs to be taken if the united states withdraws from the country. Right now it is unclear if the taliban agreed to ceasefire starting before the united states-the retreat begins.

the united states and taliban have agreed on continued talks in Qatar with the beginning 25 February.