It is a twist of deep irony that China’s largest state-owned tv-company is the same as the English term for the surveillance camera. CCTV, China Central Television, is becoming increasingly important for the regime’s effort to spread its power abroad and control their own citizens meticulously.

Peter Humphrey, a british consultant who in 2013 was arrested in Shanghai for ”illegal collection of medborgarinformation”. He believes that the arrest was due to he investigated a bedrägerimisstänkt person who is the chinese government near.

After a period of time in the chinese jail in difficult conditions drogas Humphrey by a doctor and taken to a glasbur, where he chained wired with dozens of cameras in his face. He is forced to answer förhörsfrågor. The answers are edited to an ”apology to the chinese state”, which is then sent out over the world of television company CCTV.

the public is an ancient favourite method of odious regimes, not least the communist ones. The Russian Moskvarättegångarna under Stalin was clean skådeprocesser where the debt was established from the beginning and the convicted would be humiliated as a cautionary example.

In Mao’s China developed the public humiliation to perfection, with suspected regimfiender as in the angry mob’s roar were forced to ”confess” their sins. They were phased out during Mao’s successors, however, have thus come into vogue again – now the tv broadcast before the miljonpublik.

the television company CCTV. Other westerners who can testify to the same treatment as Peter Humphrey is the swedes Peter Dahlin and Gui Minhai. The latter’s daughter, Angela Gui, has now stepped up the fight against CCTV through to take the battle against a controversial decision: the tv company’s office in Chiswick, London. It is a battle where she does not stand alone.

Right now is the chinese tv giant is in the process of a major investment in the site. With hundreds of journalists and investment equivalent to several billion to a more sympathetic picture of China spread in the west. We have seen others act in a similar way, not least the Russian company RT, which spreads Putinsk propaganda to the western world with direktlina from the Kremlin.

In Mao’s China developed the public humiliation to perfection.

When the Hungarian-born billionaire and walks George Soros recently spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos was the message in large part a warning to China. Soros spoke of the threat to the open society that comes from some of the regimes with the use of new technologies to identify and control the citizens.

is the performance of surveillance tools is a useful tool, for open societies, they are a deadly threat”, said Soros. In the same way, you can see medieexpansionen from Russia and China. They put a skräckmask on journalism, in itself, a tool for freedom of expression, and use it for your own benefit and to break the democratic west.

unlike the cold war, the clumsy kommunistagitation today’s propagandaministerier learned how to use the news and internetspråk. The wolf’s message becomes extra dangerous because the assumed journalistic sheep’s clothing.

Not with censorship and motpropaganda, then it risks the freedom of expression abolish itself. However, with patient, factual news and is constantly enlightening that there is something less than a propaganda war that is currently directed against us.

However, the democracies have no obligation to let companies that work as the bodies of dictators and public skampålar for forced confessions. A suitable place to draw a line is Chiswick, London.