The proposal for a decision of the British government sounds undramatic: The Parliament may please to find that it had taken the Brexit Plan, the Prime Minister noted. On this motion the debate the house of Commons in London on Tuesday, including a vote in the evening. Many of the members don’t want to leave it, however, in the case of knowledge. They have tabled Amendments, with claims on government boss Theresa May . Therefore, the Parliament is looking forward to another day with heated Brexit debate. Depending on the outcome of the votes May might even be forced to grant the members of Parliament to have more say on the withdrawal rate.

The Conservative suffered two weeks ago, a crushing defeat in the Parliament. 432 deputies voted against the resignation agreement that is London and Brussels, only 202. Without a valid contract, there is the threat of on 29. March an unregulated Brexit, without a transition phase, with customs duties and border controls. Last week of May presented to the members their Plan b is simply to ask Brussels for further concessions and the agreement back in February to the house of Commons.

Video: Theresa May, presented their “Plan B” What is the debate among the house today. Video: Reuters

Mays calculus: The fear of a Chaos-Brexit and the closer to the rear end of the outlet date to break the resistance of a sceptical member of Parliament – and at the same time, in Brussels, the willingness to awaken, but still the controversial catch-all solution for Northern Ireland, the so-called Backstop.

One of the Amendments for Tuesday could take this threat but their terror. He receives a majority, the government, the Parliament on Tuesday next week about a controversial legislative initiative to the vote, that This law would force May, to ask Brussels for a postponement of the discharge date by up to nine months, should not be approved by the Brexit Treaty by the end of February.

Behind the request and the law initiative Yvette Cooper, the opposition party, Labour and the conservative MP Nick Boles. May rejects the request because it would weaken their negotiating position. However, since the majority of parliamentarians want to cross-prevent, by all the parties to a Chaos-Brexit, the requirement for a good chance to be accepted.

In EU circles it means that a so-called technical extension was not a Problem.

most of The other Amendments on Tuesday to force the government to do anything, but only Express preferences. And some May come in very handy. Graham Brady, the Chairman of an influential Committee of the conservative group, wrote in his application that the Parliament should approve the Brexit Treaty in February – if May has wegverhandelt until then, the unloved Backstop.

These catch-all solution that Northern Ireland adheres to the rules of the EU single market and the UK is in a customs Union with the EU remains, if only as customs controls are to be avoided on the island of Ireland. Brexit-the Fans, the Conservatives reject the Backstop and for this reason voted against the withdrawal of the contract. Brady’s request requires plenty of cloudy, “find alternative Arrangements” to customs controls. This requirement would be adopted with a broad majority, could, May use this as an Argument in discussions in Brussels. According to media reports, May to called to your group at a meeting on Monday evening to support Brady’s request.

A crucial role in all of this is house speaker John Bercow: He determines which of the many applications will be voted on. May promised in the group meeting that the parliamentarians are allowed to vote in mid-February, once again, on ideas of how to proceed, should not be approved the agreement until then.

postponement until may?

In Brussels will be followed Brady’s request with interest. Alternative Arrangements,” practical ideas that were behind Brady’s “this is “a possibility,” said an EU Diplomat on Monday. Other influential representatives of a throw, however, is that the Anger of the Brexit enthusiasts is advanced over the Backstop only; in reality, it is generally a question of how closely the relations with the EU should be.

To a displacement of the exit, as they, the deputies Cooper and Boles to bring your request into the game, it is in Brussels already Considerations. In EU circles, it means that a so-called technical extension was not a Problem. So, the Parliament should approve the exit agreement until the end of March, should not be carried out, the Brexit immediately. Finally, the British preparation time needed.

A delay to the European elections in may would be possible without problems, maybe even until the first meeting of the new European Parliament on may 2. July. For a delay beyond that, a good reason would be needed, such as new elections, or a second referendum. Would May want, however, just months on the negotiation, “what we are talking about from the beginning: Why should agree to the EU, then an extension?”, an EU Diplomat asks.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 29.01.2019, 12:04 PM