“Teslabilar can be stopped in Sweden: ”Contrary to regulations””

“the Sales of the electric car Tesla can be stopped in Sweden. “

“the Car’s security system is updated except for the control by the authorities – something the transport agency is now reviewing, writes the Swedish newspaper svenska Dagbladet.”

“Tesla’s procedure with självuppdaterande security and självkörandesystem scrutinised now by the transport agency. “

“Can temporarily be stopped”

“What is stated to be one of the manufacturer’s sales pitch, the contrary may be its the case in Sweden – at least temporarily, writes Svenska Dagbladet. “

“– We have a so-called article 29-procedure on Tesla. This means that we investigate whether Sweden is going to stop Tesla to sell cars for half a year if there is a serious trafiksäkerhetsrisk, ” says Anders Gunneriusson at the transport agency to the newspaper. “

“the Case related to Tesla’s lyxvariant Model S as examined after that the transport agency was contacted by a reporter at a test drive ended up in an accident, and after that the movies on more accidents attracted attention on Youtube, writes SvD. “

“In the car are dormant features that can be sued for updates through wi-fi, including advanced autopilots. According to the SvD battles against Europe’s road safety systems, where cars undergo test and get approval which is valid during the bilmodellens life. “

“Tesla’s head of communications in Sweden, Maria Lantz has left a comment for Emily”