good-Natured political ribbing, an attempt to bring some humour into the typically serious debate, ” says Trygve Slagsvold Vedum about their offer to the readers of a kind of “Erna translate”, where the Sp leader claims to know what the prime minister really think that when she’s at 10 in day will put forward the declaration for the extended government.

TILTREDELSESTALE: prime Minister Erna Solberg presents the new regjeringserklæringen from The pulpit in the morning. Here pictured during the autumn trontaledebatt. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix Show more

I think it is funny, but is unsure about Erna Solberg laughing just as much as me. But it is also a political seriously behind, ” says the Sp leader.

– This is a guide to the people, a kind of thesaurus to understand that when Erna, for example, says that she believes in Norway, so see the all that she is happy in his country. But when it comes to play, so I think she most of the EUROPEAN union. She was one of the country’s largest supporters of introducing the euro, says Vedum.

Remove deductions

Trygve Slagsvold Vedum argues that the proposal in the regjeringsplattformen to simplify momsordningen in reality means increased vat for the transport sector.

– the Government will simplify the tax system, something they do by removing the deduction, for example, pendlerfradrag and hyretillegg for the sailors. Every time the government takes on one or another bad fee, so they call it green shift, ” he says.

When it comes to avbyråkratisering, so I think that there is something Erna Solberg wants. But until now, it has led to the rather appointed several commanders, many of them with salaries higher than the prime minister, says Vedum.

a record number of government ministers

the Centre party leader refers to the fact that the prime minister has wished for fewer departments and fewer ministers to streamline the top management of the country.

NEW RING 2: to get space to all ministers after the regjeringsutvidelsen are two new chairs installed outside on the red golvteppet in the parliamentary assembly room. – We call it new call 2, says Trygve Slagsvold Vedum. Photo: Gunnar Ringheim / Dagbladet Show more

– But when Erna speaks in Parliament today, it will be a record number of ministers in the parliamentary assembly room. So many that the two newly built statsrådstoler had to be placed out on the red carpet. We call it new call 2, says Vedum and laughs.

– When Erna for 12 months since the split of the Health ministry in two, and established a separate older – and folkehelseminister, had Parliament remove the handikapplassen in the saddle to get into an additional statsrådstol, he points out.

the Government claims that Norway should be less oljeavhengig, but the fact is that we have never been more oljeavhengige and used more oljepenger than now. , says Trygve Slagsvold Vedum.

An honest case

Opposisjonspolitikeren pulls out several examples:

the Government presented the municipality and regionreformen as a demokratireform, but then ended it as a tvangsreform and sammenslåingsreform. When they say streamline, does it really mean privatize, believes that the Sp leader.

And when Erna says nærpoliti, so she believes fjernpoliti. When the government put down 120 tjenestesteder, then it is not a nærpolitireform. It is an honest case would be to centralize the police, but when should the government dare to say it like it is, says Vedum.

Consider 119 times

Much is put on the tip in the review of the platform to the Right, the political Right, Left and KrF?

– Yes, all realize of course that not all of the 119 proposals to be considered and the 38 proposals that will be studied will be deferred or falling into the tray. Guess is that they used the concepts of the study and evaluate each time the four parties failed to agree on Granavollen.

– How many times was it assessed and examined in the present coalition the platform you were on?

– Certainly many times there too, so you can say that it is experience-based, ” says Sp leader and breaks out in laughter.

FUN GIMMICK: – This was a fun gimmick from Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, said Trond Helleland. With a twinkle in his eye, he has made his own Vedum-dictionary, as a response to the Sp manager harselas with Erna Solberg. Photo: Gunnar Ringheim / Dagbladet Show more

– I have a sense for the people from the village who are big in the mouth, so it is entirely in order that Trygve Slagsvold Vedum keeps on with his, ” says Trond Helleland.

Hallingdølen who is the Conservative parliamentary leader in Parliament replying to criticism from the Sp-leader on behalf of prime minister Erna Solberg.

the Problem of Trygve Slagsvold Vedum is that he and Sp will face even greater resistance from its possible partners. I think most people see that it is unlikely to become less taxes, lower immigration and more road construction if the Sp shall manage the district-Norway together with Red, SV, MDG and Ap. It is Vedums big dilemma, ” says the Right-top.

– Vedum cry, but is not going to get much attention. There is a greater chance with us than with them on many of their cases. Vedum is running on as long as it goes, but going to put away all together if the Sp shall enter into one or another regjeringskonstellasjon. What he has done before, both when it comes to wolves and other things, ” he says.

– Scold us out

Trond Helleland has made his own Vedum-dictionary, as a response to the Sp manager harselas with Erna Solberg.

– This was a fun gimmick from Trygve Slagsvold Vedum. I realize very well that the centre party has a need to tease a bit, since it goes so well in rural Norway. The Sp is offensive when it comes to bravely face their issues and blasting out of us, ” says Helleland.

But people see that the districts, goes far better now, than when Vedum ruled the country. The unemployment rate is plummeted to a new low. Distriktsnæringene has never been better. The fish farming industry, when close to 100 billion. in the export, skogbruksnæringen have the best year since 1989, the agricultural sector has stronger production growth and the tourism sector set records with each passing year, ” says Trond Helleland.

He shows to the news that it is rekordfå municipalities on skammelista of municipalities with poor finances.

– A decrease of approximately 60 per cent from the government took over. Not least, we can now see a decrease in the number of bureaucrats in the central government, while the number of employees of external agencies, such as the police, goes up. Since 2013, it is employed 2300 police officers, a growth of 25 per cent, says Trond Helleland.


the Conservative parliamentary leader says that he has noticed that Trygve Slagsvold Vedum is skeptical of the reports.

– It is not so strange, all the time he has criticized the so-called ekspertveldet. For the Conservative part, we believe still that a knowledge-based policy and debate is so silly. Thus had it been good about Vedum took over that samferdselsbudsjettet is increased by 75 per cent or that it will move out twice as many government jobs now, that when he himself ruled, ” says Trond Helleland.

And add:

But these facts will not Vedum to listen to. He continues to shout out about centralization, even though NRK has faktasjekket claim. Vedum argues, instead, that faktasjekk forflater the political debate. Him about it.