Since the d. 31 June 2018 has stuelejligheden on Henning Matzens Way been uninhabited. According to the landlord Privatbo there are a total of five uninhabited apartments in The south Jutland Town, which has recently been acquired by the american private equity fund Blackstone in a milliardhandel.

the Apartment had not fail anything, says Søren Berg.

The five apartments are not rented out, because in the sales contract between Frederiksberg Boligfond and Blackstone, are not allowed to rent apartments that will become available unless the municipality makes a direct claim.

It will now get the politicians in copenhagen to interfere to stop the Men in to get their way.

the Malte Mathies Løcke, from the Social democrats in copenhagen, will now take hold of the management.

– Frederiksberg is not a or the second land of milk and honey, where Men can be allowed to set the rules and do as they will. We address in the management of the same, so the apartments can be taken into use, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

It surprises also chairman of the Housing and Ejendomsudvalget in copenhagen, Nikolaj Bøgh (K), that there are empty apartments in The southern Jutland Town. He will now ask the management to strengthen the supervision of the homes.

– It is clear that when there is an apartment that stands empty for such a long time, so we need to make sure to stop it, says Nikolaj Bøgh.

Frederiksberg Municipality’s By – and Miljødirektør, Ulrik Winge, provide to Ekstra Bladet, that it is not allowed to let the uninhabited apartments empty on the basis of a sale. Therefore, the management has approached to Privatbo, which is responsible for the operation of the property.

In Frederiksberg Municipality is not allowed to housing stands empty for more than 6 weeks, unless there are special reasons for it. In that case the municipal council at city hall to approve it.

Why should Privatbo inform the municipality about the empty apartments, which they have not done.

– It, I can see there are not legal in the here is that Privatbo not informed the municipality, the housing has become available. The offense may be punishable by a fine of probably between 5,000-10,000 dollars, but it happens very rarely, that one makes use of the provisions, says the professor in property law at Aarhus University and chairman of several rent – and beboerklagenævn, Hans Henrik Edlund.

Here is the empty apartments

There are 5 vacancies in The southern Jutland Town. The south Jutland Town consists of 305 tenancies.

More about the 5 unused apartments where there is no moved a new tenant into the pga. the sales process.

the List is up to date 23 January 2019:

a. The All no. 17 the Lease has been vacant since the 30. september 2018. Ie. that the lease has been unused for 115 days. This is due to two things: 1) There was talk about the special conditions and 2) the aforementioned sales process.

b. The All no. 15 the Tenant has terminated the lease and vacated. The lease was available per. 14. October 2018. Ie. that the lease has been vacant in 101 days.

c. The All no. 9 the Tenant has terminated the lease and vacated. The lease was available per. 30. november 2018. Ie. that the lease has been vacant in 54 days.

d. Henning Matzens Road no. 23 the Tenant has terminated the lease and vacated. The lease was available per. 31. July 2018. Ie. that the lease has been unused for 176 days.

e. A. D. Jørgensens Vej nr. 16 the Lease has been vacant since the 30. november 2018. Ie. that the lease has been vacant in 54 days. There was talk about the special relationship.

All homes in copenhagen will be checked at least once in each term. In the latest status from October 2018, the number of empty homes is largely unchanged in relation to 2017, namely ca. 1.900. It was approx. half without folkeregistertilmelding in a period that was shorter than half a year.

Source: Privatbo and Frederiksberg Municipality

the Two windows is ajar into the empty apartment.

Outside in the snow is beboerformanden in The south Jutland Town, Søren Berg. It offends him, that is not moved new in the apartments, which for many months has gathered dust. For in addition to a waiting list, that requires you to was written up as a kid to get an apartment at the age of 20, then it is the tenants who now pay the cost.

Søren Berg outside of the apartment that has stood empty since July of last year.

– It is too bad. They just need to be ready for the Blackstone, so they can put them and raise the rent, says beboerformanden.

In The southern Jutland Town of the municipality of instructions to 25 percent of the apartments, which goes to the citizens who do not even provide housing. Many of the residents cannot afford to pay a higher rent, they said, since the Extra Leaf was on a visit.

This shows clearly, that the fund will do everything possible to get us out, says Søren Berg, who no longer receive messages from Privatbo, when residents move.

Residents have a right now to become a housing cooperative and buy apartments for the same price as the Blackstone. But, as described earlier, showed a deed from 1932 up. Here stood, to the municipality and the tenants had the right to purchase the apartments for a revaluated price.

The empty flats are important in the Blackstones business model. In order to be able to offer residents in major lucrative apartments is a smaller apartment in the same neighborhood, can Blackstone maybe get the residents to move and thus get the rent to rise.

If the tenant vacates, the Blackstone go in time to make renovations in the large apartments and put the rent up by 100 percent, says Claus Højte from the Tenants ‘ Landsorganisation the Capital.

If the residents refuse any resettlement must Blackstone ‘settle’ with a huslejestigning at 201 dollars per. square meter per year. It is apparent from boligreguleringsloven.

the Extra Leaf would like to have the interview Flemming Brank, who is the chairman of Frederiksberg Boligfond, who has sold the property to Blackstone. At the same time, he is the president of Privatbo, which is responsible for the operation of the property. To make it even more tangled, he is also councillor for The Conservatives in Frederiksberg. But he does not want to give interview in the matter, since ’the deal has gone through’.

Flemming Brank has previously stated to Berlingske, to a housing fund does not have a social profile. On the fund’s website, it appears that the foundation should ‘promote the boligkulturelle and boligproduktive purpose’ in which, for example, elderly housing or similar social purpose’. According to the former president, Jens Simonsen, it was all the purpose of the fund to be socially responsible.

instead informs Privatbos manager Karin Kryger Olsen in an email to Ekstra Bladet:

– 98 percent of the apartments in The south Jutland Town is rented right now, and Frederiksberg Boligfond have no interest in having empty homes standing. It means that the fund will lose rental income. We note, of course, Ulrik Winge says to Ekstra Bladet today. And if the municipal council inform us that a sale of the property and tilbudspligten opposite the bearings is not a valid reason to wait udlejningerne, then the tenant we, of course, the five apartments.