There are still 22 months left. But the american presidential campaign is already starting.

And Donald Trump can already now note the first four official opposition, after the democratic senator and former attorney general Kamala Harris from his hometown, Oakland, California, night to Monday announced that she will try to unseat the 71-year-old republican of the stick in november of next year.

Thus have four women now – virtually the only – made clear that they are presidential candidates. In addition to the Kamala Harris has also democrats Kirsten Gillibrand and Elizabeth Warren announced that they will try to tilt the Trump out of The Oval Office. And among the outsiders have Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii has created publicity.

The female Obama?

the 54-year-old Kamala Harris withdrew, according to figures from the local police in Oakland at least 20,000 people on the street, as she threw herself into a furious attack on Donald Trump.

– We are here because the american dream is under attack, and our american democracy is at stake as never before, cried Harris, who had taken up in front of the town hall in the classic democratic stronghold Oakland at San Francisco, California.

along the Way in his speech attacked Kamala Harris again and again after the pages of the UNITED states, as Donald Trump sometimes has chosen to defend:

– When we have leaders who lie and bully and attack the free press and it undermines our democratic institutions, so it is not our America.

– When we have people who believe in white supremacy, as the marching and murder in Charlottesville or commit a massacre on innocent people in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, then it’s not our America, it sounded bl.a. from Kamala Harris, who were greeted with special cheers from folkehoben, when she addressed the american grænsemyndigheders detention of immigrantbørn:

– When we have children in cages, crying and calling their mothers and fathers, so dare not to call it border security. It is a breach of human rights.

– We are here at a time when we must answer a fundamental question. Who are we as americans? So let us answer this question. We are better than this, said Harris.

the 54-year-old Kamala Harris is half afro-american and born in Oakland, which is known as one of the main towns in the civil rights movement and the home of the controversial Black Panther movement in the 1960s.

And Harris missed no opportunity to highlight its own author:

– I’m so proud to be the daughter of Oakland, California. And as most of you know, I was born just along the road at the Kaiser Hospital. And it was only a few miles away, that my parents met for the first time as a student at Berkeley, where they were active in the civil rights movement.

Harris is several times – due to his afro-american origin has been compared with former president Barack Obama.

They are both black, they are both lawyers, they are both democrats. And they both have undeniably a rhetorical talent. She is the only second female black senator in U.S. history and has, with his rhetorical eloquence several times been labelled a ‘female Obama’.

Just the comparison is, however, at the same time been criticized by several political observers, as it is highlighted, that Kamala Harris is entirely its own and not a counterfeit product.

‘It makes superficial sense. But it is also symptomatic of a lazy habit, which barnliggør high-profile women in America and other countries, and only skimming over the details and unique circumstances that shaped them’, it sounded bl.a. in a critical blog post of the commentator Holly Thomas on CNN.

#meto-the candidate from New York

in addition to the Kamala Harris also has a rising politician from New York, Kirsten Gillibrand, announced that she is so close to launch an actual presidential campaign, as you can get. Without, however, completely say the words.

Gillibrand announced earlier this month that she has launched a committee of inquiry to uncover the opportunities to become president, with all that it involves economic and political support.

It came to pass on Stephen Colbert’s celebrity talk show, which only gave the halvkvædede advertising even more hype.

the 52-year-old Gillibrand is well-known as Hillary Clinton’s successor in the Senate. And so is the advokatuddannede politician has been dubbed #meto-the senator, after she the last two years has fought for tougher penalties for sexkrænkere.

Specifically, Gillibrand among the defenders of the sex-infringement cases are in the u.s. military should be tried outside the military’s own ranks. The campaign failed, but ended up giving the senator the colloquial nickname.

Kirsten Gillibrand. Photo: Steve Pope

Kirsten Gillibrand has also put the focus on the sexovergreb at universities in the us and even described his own experience with sexual harassment in the u.s. congress.

In his autobiography, from 2014 described the female senator, how several male colleagues came with comments about her weight:

‘Well, you coach, because you have the do not want to become chubby’, said a colleague, while another according to the book, noted:

‘you Know what, Kirsten, you’re pretty, even when you are fat.’

Her Trump called Pocahontas

Democrat Elizabeth Warren is the of the official candidates for the presidency in 2020, which has the most bitter compared to Donald Trump.

the 69-year-old Warren has for several years been a front-runner among the Democrats and has again and again been cited as an obvious bid for a future presidential candidate.

Elizabeth Warren. Photo: Charles Krupa

new year’s Eve announced the Massachussetts-the senator in a video on Twitter his intentions to stand as a candidate with a carefully thought-out position as a middle class champion:

– America’s middle class is under attack. How we ended up here? Billionaires and big corporations have decided that they want more of the pie, and have inserted the politicians to cut a thicker slice to them.

Elizabeth Warren, and Donald Trump was last summer in infight over warren’s alleged native american origin.

Donald Trump proclaimed that he would donate a million dollars to the charity of warren’s choice if she could prove that she had native american blood in their veins.

As Elizabeth Warren shortly after presented a dna analysis, which certainly showed that she had native american ancestors – ‘in the vicinity of six to ten generations ago’, as it was called in the analysis carried out by a known dna analyst from Stanford University.

Trump has again and again attacked Elizabeth warren’s indian claims with jokes about the fact that she is a ‘Pocahontas’, a reference to the from the Disney film known indianerprinsesse.

after her announcement of his candidacy was the u.s. president at the track with a tweet, which by many was seen as both racist and demeaning, and with the Trump suggested that Warren should have announced its præsidentplaner from the battlefield, where two of the most bloody showdown between native americans and white pioneers took place in the 1800s.

in Addition, the proposed Trump on the quite trumpsk show, that it had also dressed Warren to udklæde her husband in full indianerdragt.

the Outsider from Hawaii Tulsi Gabbard. Photo: Scott Audette

Congress member Tulsi Gabbard is with its 37 years, the significantly younger præisdentkandidat in the field so far.

Gabbard will be alone because. his young age is not seen as a serious contender to get the Democratic official candidacy. Something that is also reflected in her position on the various lists of official and unofficial bid of a presidential candidate.

Gabbard, however, has got created a lot of publicity about his person – both positive and negative – that have made her difficult to ignore.

Tulsi Gabbard is a former highly decorated soldier as the veteran from the Iraq war. In addition, she has created a name as ’the surfer from Hawaii’, with the ‘aloha’ will swipe to the top in the UNITED states.

Gabbard, however, has been confronted with unflattering stories from his past. Bl.a. she worked for his father’s anti-LGBTQ organization, to maintain ’traditional marriage’.

Something Gabbard recently has apologized:

– first Let me say that I regret the positions I had in the past, and the things I said, sounded recently from Gabbard to CNN in an article about her background.

– I am grateful for those in the LGBTQ+community who have shared their ‘aloha’ with me through my personal journey.