last year, the climate change issue once again in the centre of the public debate. The new flygskatten wreaked political battle. The summer heat and the extensive forest fires were a foretaste of what is waiting in the warming track. The climate also has an important place in the fyrpartiuppgörelse which is the basis for the new S-MP government.

the Question is whether this has affected the swedes ‘ view on how they themselves cause emissions. The DN/Ipsos has investigated in how far the man has changed their habits of consideration for the climate and the environment the last twelve months. The questions are about the three areas of private consumption will generate the most emissions: transport, food and accommodation.

For the average swede, approximately one-third of the emissions from food and about as much from the transport. Approximately one-sixth are generated by the property. This, according to the figures for 2016 from the environmental protection agency.

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Read more: Changes that reduce your emissions most

According to the responses in the DN/Ipsos issues have a significant proportion of swedes changed their consumption. About four out of ten indicate that they have reduced their carnivorous or completely waived during the last twelve months. Just as many have chosen to go by public transport instead of taking the car. As many as five out of ten say that they in any way have reduced the energy consumption in their homes.

– It is not surprising that there is a change in people’s habits. The summer was a wake-up call for many who made that climate change has been more in focus, ” says Nicklas Källebring Ipsos.

a change in attitude to flying. When the DN/Ipsos in march of last year, asked if they had reduced their flying by the respect for the environment answered one of ten yes. In the new survey, from January of this year, the question is not worded in exactly the same way but which is equivalent to just over three out of ten that they chose to travel by another mode of transport than air.

In this type of survey is a risk that people want to portray themselves in a better light than what they actually have coverage for. Two aspects of the measurement method is intended to reduce the impact, ” notes Nicklas Källebring, opinionsanalytiker Ipsos. Secondly, the survey has been made only in the form of a web form, not by telephone interviews, which reduces the risk of social impacts. Has the respondent been asked about what they actually made, not on their intentions.

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the attitudes differ between different groups in society. According to the survey, women have a significantly greater degree than men have changed their habits at all the four surveyed areas. The difference is largest when it comes to eating meat. Five out of ten women say that they have eaten less of, or entirely abstained from such food, with three of ten among the men.

Measurements from the som-institute at Gothenburg university shows that women look more severe than men on global warming. 2017 stated 70% of women against 52% of men reported that they are concerned about climate change. AS the institute’s measurements also show a generally increasing concern for the climate. Maybe this is a factor behind the answers in the DN/Ipsos survey of consumption habits.

Young people and city dwellers also report to a greater extent than older and rural residents that they changed their habits, according to the DN/Ipsos. The exception is the dwelling where they live outside the big cities seem to have done the most. Possibly, it reflects that homeowners have greater opportunities and earn more on reducing energy consumption than the householder.

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play the absolute role in the green transition, according to Stefan Wirsenius, climate scientists at Chalmers university of technology.

– Each kg of reducing carbon dioxide emissions is valuable for the mitigation of climate change, ” he says.

at the same time, he points out that all the responsibility cannot be placed on individual consumers. Effective economic instruments, which makes it profitable to do the right thing, is necessary, as well as technology development. Where must politicians and businesses do their, according to Stefan Wirsenius.

But he points out that consumer choices also have political significance.

– the Policy does not exist in a vacuum, the elected officials must feel that there is a resonance with the voters. If people begin to reduce their flying and their consumption of beef, then it will be easier to tighten with higher taxes on such things. It is perhaps at least as important, that there is acceptance for the sharper instruments, to things becoming more expensive, ” says Stefan Wirsenius.