“Donald Trump would make it so, we’ll do so,” said Jens Spahn and hiellt the sheet with the signatures of pride in the cameras. Three Federal Ministers had signed on Monday a “training campaign” for the care of the head of Department for health is Responsible for the family, and Franziska Giffey, and work, Hubertus Heil joined. And the SPD-politician Giffey provided the rationale for the joint approach. “This topic is too big, it can do it alone,” she said.

in fact, three Federal Ministers had not passed, as the view in the Assembly hall of the Quartier 110 on Friedrichstrasse in Berlin, for the project: 40 of the agreement, partner clapping applause. Were represented all of the major players in the industry – from the Association of cities up to the leading Association of the statutory health insurance, Caritas and diakonia to the trade Union Verdi. In order to help the patient care on the legs, they agreed on a “magic number”, like Giffey was evident: ten percent of the number of trainees is expected to rise up to the year 2023. And also ten per cent is to be increased up to then, the number of training sites. In addition, 5,000 places in the training will be designed to qualify professionals for the care and keep them in the Job.

now, you know, 38,000 positions are vacant

68.200 trainees in the industry at the time. This was with a view to the Numbers six years ago, an increase of said Giffey. In view of the forecasts, but that is not enough by far. Of the 3.3 million patient currently to be in the year 2030, more than four million, and in 2050, this amounts to 5.32 million. And even now, there is a lack of places to staff. According to the Federal Agency for work, the number of open professionals was put in last year to 38 000. On hundreds of unfilled Jobs just 26 registered unemployed care workers come statistically.

No good prospects – which is why the ministries for health, work and family in July of 2018, a “Concerted action care” had started. The company’s goal is to make the nursing profession more attractive and to secure the care of the dependent people in the country. To this Behuf five working groups, as the first has now presented the Giffeys lead a result. “111 concrete measures to attract more people to the professions and to improve the training conditions,” concluded the Minister. “So we go now.” The middle of the year will then “follow the total package”, promised to Spahn.

Instead of the school money, training allowance

Specifically, was Giffey, a large-scale advertising campaign and numerous promotional opportunities. Hospitals and nursing homes would be informed “comprehensively” about new trainings, she promised. And more important incentives were the turn of the Year. The school belongs to from 2020 in all provinces in the past. Instead, nursing students receive a training allowance.

in Addition, the various disciplines flow sick, children sick and old care and then in a generalized training together. As a result, the knowledge is technically wider, interested parties can keep your future career is open to and later from the nursing home to hospital or Vice versa. What is likely to have the nice side effect of that previous salary barely maintain, and, in particular, the work of the Old nurses financially well-appreciated hierarchies.

It was “simply unacceptable”, said Spahn, that there is between the sick and care for the elderly depending on the state, wage differences from 500 to 800 euros per month.

labour Minister calls for “movement” in salaries

In the other working groups, which have not yet come to her problem, it’s more attractive conditions of work, digitisation, the recruitment of nursing staff from abroad and higher salaries. Of the latter, the attractiveness of the nursing profession, and to that extent, the whole success of the concerted action will depend on “the key,” said labour Minister healing. Obviously, it crunches it tremendously.

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Agenda of Jens Spahn, More money, more stringent requirements: plans against the health-care crisis

Rainer Woratschka

whether The target is a generally binding collective agreement, said the SPD-politician – and called on all Parties to move for “a piece”. His state Secretary Björn Böhning will bring the talks about it now, “with Power to the front,” announced the healing. And if you get stuck, there is still other possibilities. His Cabinet colleague, Spahn joined the threat. “The more of us succeed,” he said in friend; a wide range of sound, “the less it needs a political intervention.”