Donald Trump liked his surrender on Friday as process: the fact was that the President was bowing to. The US government is working again, from a wall to Mexico, there was no talk, however. To make matters worse, the special investigator Robert Mueller had indictment of trump’s longtime friend, Roger Stone to the American audience on the Russia-affair remembered.

So that Trumps numbered weekend of the previous low points of his presidency – until the Sunday evening gave a potential ray of light: In a widely publicized TV Interview, Howard Schultz, the founder and Ex-head of the global coffee chain Starbucks, said that he got the idea of an independent presidential candidacy.

As in 1992, Ross Perot

“We live in an extremely fragile Era,” said Schultz, his interest in the White house. Not only Donald Trump was not up to the office. Both parties had also failed, and day-to-day operated “a policy of revenge”, rather than “the interests of the American people,” says the entrepreneur.

Video: Want to be Schultz, US President? Howard Schultz left open after his resignation in June 2018 is also the Option of a US presidential candidacy. Video: Reuters

Schultz, a Democrat, had put 2016 behind Hillary Clinton, is considering, apparently seriously, in 2020, as a Party to compete, sent shock waves through the quarters of the Democrats in Washington and in the State capitals. The Starbucks maker could pull off in a horror scenario, enough votes to non-party voters to a democratic presidential candidate to give the victory to deny and Donald Trump for a second term.

of Course, it is possible that Schultz, he’s running really, win the election. Very likely, but it is not. A candidacy of the Starbucks impresario would be Trumps “best hope for a victory,” responded the democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro.

the Best example of this is the presidential candidacy of the party is billionaire Ross Perot. The quirky Texan moved in 1992 to the right of center enough votes to secure the Republican President George Herbert Walker Bush’s re-election to deny Bill Clinton the presidency.

A candidacy of Howard Schultz could of course also help a stumbling President for re-election.

Trumps enemies hope, however, that it is so far not even because the President is removed from office by an Impeachment procedure of the office. The indictment of Roger Stone does not bring this hope to reality: Instead of the dazzling Trump friend because of a conspiracy to indict, and thus the door to justiziablen agreements between Russia, Wikileaks, and Donald trump’s campaign team-wide break down, it was Stone, like other Trump sued by employees because of the so-called “Process crimes” – lies, obstruction of Justice, and the like.

Maybe the special investigator builds up a comprehensive conspiracy against Trump and his closest associates. Maybe, but maybe not. Especially since a successful impeachment, the votes of 17 Republican senators called for and the Nation, probably in a hardly controllable political crisis collapsed.

Video: Trump explains Shutdown end The U.S. President and the Democrats agree on a temporary solution in the budget dispute. Video: AFP

The tug-of-war the wall shows, however, that the President is politically to tackle very well. Trump likes in three weeks, when the deadline for the deliberations of the appointed Congress Commission expires on border security, declared a state of emergency to exclaim, to finally get the funds for his wall. But the President would be weakened in a battle of the border fixture, even in its base resentment stimulates.

Instead of accuse him, it should be Donald Trump allows to stumble over themselves. A candidacy of Howard Schultz could of course also help a stumbling President for re-election. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 28.01.2019, 09:59 PM