“Anders Rosén, if the time after the ”Anders, I and 23 other women””
“Nahid Persson SVT-documentary has led to problems.”
“Anders Rosén is not satisfied with the aftermath of Nahid Persson’s uppmärksamamde documentary ”Anders, I and 23 other women”. “
“To Expressen, he talks about how the film affected him negatively.”
“I have paid an expensive price, both financially and emotionally,” he says.”
“guldbagge awarded Nahid Perssons, 58, drew the attention of the documentary ”Anders, I and 23 other women” has aroused strong emotions in the audience after it became available on SVT play. “
“It all started when she met tennisproffset Anders Rosén, 50, via dejtingappen Tinder. On their first date, he said all the right things and she fell head over heels. “
“But she soon discovered that all was not right in the relationship with the man who she had referred to as the ”King Anders” – he had a relationship with 23 other women. “
“You would also fall in love with him””
“Instead of allowing themselves to be discouraged began Nahid Persson to film their relationship, something that Anders Rosén himself went on. “
“– with The film I fell for him again when I saw his willingness to change. I’m still very much a feminist and very political, I do not think I am naive. If you met Anders… you would also fall in love with him, despite the fact that you are a man, she has previously said to Aftonbladet. “
“Since the movie was released, Anders Rosén experienced that it affected his life negatively. In an interview with Expressen he says that today he regrets his involvement. “
” I have paid an expensive price, both financially and emotionally. It has affected my profession, I have been regarded as very reputable and knowledgeable. But after the movie has become talk behind your back. I was beaten in the summer, and could not play all summer long. When I go past the killgäng I hear: ”Where will kvinnoförrädaren”, despite the fact that I have never been mean to a woman ever, ” he says.”
“Anders Rosén is today single, but says he has received proposals from around 900 women. “
“And no relationship with Nahid Persson, he has not. “
“– She has blocked me. A few weeks ago she called me up and wanted to meet. But we have so different opinions that there is no reason for me to waste time on her. Private she is purely amazing, we had the amazing nice and cosy. But professionally scares me how you can do so here. Both the SVT and Nahid said there would be support for me after the movie. I have not seen anything of.”
“Nahid Persson has previously been awarded with a guldbagge award for the documentary ”Prostitution behind the veil”, which was Emmy-nominated. “