A game of Russian roulette ended fatally for the 24-year-old female police officer Katlyn Alix.

Along with the male police officer, 29-year-old Nathaniel Hendren, she played the deadly game, and after several attempts, where the two had changed to point at each other with a loaded revolver, went the of.

It writes several american media, including sky and CNN.

the Bullet hit Katlyn Alix in the chest, and although she was rushed to a nearby hospital, was her life not to save.

Nathaniel Hendren sit now charged for the killing of Alix.

The tragic incident occurred on the night of Thursday in an apartment in Missouri City, Texas, UNITED states.

The now deceased Katlyn Alix, Nathaniel Hendren, as well as any other male police officer were together in the apartment, which belonged to one of the men, when they got the bizarre idea.

– The accused (Nathaniel Hendren, ed.) emptied revolverens cylinder and put a cartridge back in the cylinder, says in a statement from the police.

Nathaniel Hendren spinnede the cylinder, which he according to police, pointed the revolver away from Katlyn Alix and pulled the trigger without firing.

Katlyn Alix took over as the revolver, pointed it at Hendren and pressed affrækkeren. Again without firing.

the Third time was not the time, when Nathaniel Hendren subsequently pointed the revolver against Katlyn Alix and depressed, it went wrong.

The other police officer who was present in the apartment, had by his own admission, warned the two against the risky game and reminded them that they were police officers. He was, according to the police, by leaving the place when the shot went of.

It is reported that both men were in the service during the episode, and that Katlyn Alix was not.

Katlyn Alix had two years of experience by the police in St. Louis. She leaves a husband, parents and a sister.