As before, 27 years with the EEA no to stand the a fate of the election year, said SVP President Albert Rösti on Saturday in front of about 370 party delegates in Gossau SG.

In the next four years will decide the question of the “Einknickens” to the EU. It is the task of the SVP , Switzerland is preserve before the “egregious” framework agreement. The paper is unusable, and am rejected. The SVP is the only party, which controlled the free movement of persons. The Swiss values, home and identity should be strengthened, said hash Browns.

The delegates of the SVP Switzerland, have adopted the party programme for the next four years. Emphasis in the 80-page paper, the relationship with the EU, immigration and the strengthening of the middle class.

The new program is actually the old one. “It has no expiration date,” said the Nidwalden national Council and program Director Peter Keller. It does not give a SVP before the elections and a SVP after the elections.

The institutional agreement, which the Federal Council had signed with the European Union, is a unilaterally dictated it. The EU wanted to end the bilateral path with Switzerland. She wanted to Switzerland, “communities.”

Köppel: “last line of defense of the SVP”

said The SVP had to prevent the framework agreement under all circumstances, the Zurich national councillor Roger Köppel. Because it means that the EU make the laws, and Switzerland, had this take: “We are the last line of defense of democracy,” said Köppel.

Switzerland must be able to control its immigration policy independently. The mass immigration, abuse of the Asylum system and the unimpeded influx into the Swiss social systems had to be pushed a stop, demanded the Aargauer the national Council Andreas Glarner.

The SVP is involved for the people who are working, said the Geneva national councillor Céline Amaudruz. Companies of every Size are there, what are the jobs and wealth created. Instead of control, they needed more room for manoeuvre. “Regulations, requirements, and prohibitions need to be removed,” demanded Amaudruz.

delegates clearly against urban sprawl initiative

The delegates of the no-Parole caught with 277 against twelve votes. According to polls, the SVP are split-voters. The Schwyzer SVP national councillor Marcel Dettling on was one of the reasons against the urban sprawl initiative of the young Green, over which the 10. February will be matched.

The Initiative was unnecessary. The SVP stand for cultivated land protection. You have to grab the land wear at the root, by fighting the mass immigration. Therefore, the SVP have submitted to the limitation initiative, which calls for the end of the free movement of persons.

For the Initiative, which wants to push the urban sprawl of the bolt, and does not require that the total area of the building zones continues to increase, argued Basil Oberholzer, a member of the Parliament of the Green party in the Canton of St. Gallen. No discussion of it. (nag/sda)

Created: 26.01.2019, 11:29 PM