The 23. January 2017 , surrounded by men in suits signed Donald Trump’s “Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance” policy, colloquially called the Global Gag Rule (TIMES) or munnkurvregelen. American helsebistand to the organizations that ran the holistic work for the sexual health lost its support with a pen stroke, unless they removed their work for safe and legal abortion.

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on Thursday presented the Planned Parenthood America is a report that shows the negative consequences this policy will get for the particular youth, women in the countryside and marginalised groups ‘ access to health care, contraceptives, and thus control over their own sexuality and body. It was not to talk about to stop the american support for abortion, the united STATES has never supported – nor under president Clinton or Obama.

Some organizations was so dependent on american support that they felt compelled to write under, while others refused, among them the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). With member organisations in over 150 countries, including Sex and Politics here in the philippines, IPPF the largest player in the work for sexual and reproductive health and rights, and among those who have been given notice of the consequences the hardest.

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IPPFs global network of national organizations provide birth control to more than 300 people every minute around the clock. In the course of the president Trumps four years in The white house they will lose funding of around nok 800 million.

this money could have prevented: 20 000 deaths by birth; 4.8 million unplanned pregnancies; 1.7 million dangerous abortions, treatment of 275 000 pregnant women living with hiv, contributed to the 70 million condoms, hiv and other stds, and the 725 000 hiv research. The region that is hardest hit is Africa.

In Planned Parenthood report which was launched on Thursday pulled three hovedtrender up:

1. Civil society weaken and cooperation disappears.

the Policy has created a climate where civil society organizations for fear of losing funding has been “over-zealous” in the implementation of the policy in their program, and that it has ruined the dialogue and cooperation between civil society organizations (a so-called “chilling effect”) by the organizations that have signed on have ended or are afraid to collaborate with organisations that do not sign.

2. Health care services deteriorate and expertise is lost.

the Policy has particularly affected the actors with a long experience and expertise in the field, so that health care services have been laid down without being able to be operated on by other actors. In many developing countries is civil society for a large part of health care to the population, especially in remote areas. It means that existing projects and clinics operated in the cooperation goes in the resolution, and advocacy for sexual rights ends up.

IPPFs membership was far from alone. Other organizations were also affected by this policy, including the Un Befolkningsfond (UNFPA). UNFPA lost all us support, which had previously been at over 500 million per year. This works in some places extra hard because organizations like the IPPF and UNFPA often collaborates on projects, thus the double deflection.

3. a global effort to weaken

But the Global Gag Rule has also had consequences for the human rights especially women’s rights and sexual and reproductive rights internationally. Trump’s crusade has given new strength to the forces, who are fighting against these rights.

Negotiations at the UN level to strengthen women’s access to contraception or young people’s right to seksualitetsundervisning is now stopped by the americans with the support of countries that were previously neutral or talked about rights. At the same time, the reactionary forces have been strengthened because of the support from the extreme american organizations are bigger and more well-organized than ever.

the Report from the Planned Parenthood is a sad reminder of what the Trump administration involve women and youth around the world.

the Netherlands. the movement She Decides, that coordinates this. However, it is difficult to get back to the same level so that young people and women have less access than was the case before Trump came to power.

We are pleased that Norway is among the countries that are mentioned as supporters of human rights and equality, especially sexual and reproductive health and rights. And we are pleased that these rights have support across the political parties in Norway.

It means that we are in a unique position, and has a particular responsibility to stand up for those rights, across the political standpoint, something we promise to continue in the years to come, in relation to our allies the united STATES and in relation to their own søsterpartier and other places we can influence!

She scares the shit out of both Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi Comment