motion picture association of america confirm to the Newspaper Friday that the call for a boycott of the NRK.

– We sent out an e-mail at 12 of our members. Where informed we about forhandlingsbruddet with NRK, and we would encourage members to not to take missions for the Norwegian broadcasting corporation before it comes to a political clarification, ” says the league’s leader Sverre Pedersen.

Campaign publicized the boycott first.

for many years, The union of film – and tv-industry, the Norwegian filmforbund, tried to get through the collective agreements for their members who work in the internlagde NRK-productions, but they have not been NRK to accept the requirements.

the Agreements, which are intended to resolve questions about payment of royalties and salaries, already exists between the motion picture association of america and the rest of the industry, including Work produsentforeningen, Netflix, HBO, TV 2, Discovery (TVNorge) and NENT (TV3). NRK operates, however, on the same terms as the rest of the industry.

NRK changed stillingstekst after shut – Equal pay for equal work

NRK is in a unique position, not only because they are funded by most norwegians, but because the date has not signed an agreement rettighetsutbetalinger and salary at the same level as the rest of the industry.

– Equal pay for equal work, and equal remuneration, is our argument, whether it is an internal or external production. This has DR and SVT had that principle in all the years, but NRK requires special treatment, ” says Pedersen of the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, who on behalf of their members are very provided over NRK.

Suksesserien “Heimebane” is a good example, ” says Pedersen. Where served klippere and directors between 20 to 30 percent less than they would in a NRK tv-series that was produced by an external company, he claims.

It can mean as much as 20 000 less in salary in a month for a cut. For a director it is even more. When the NRK shall not compete on equal terms as the other channels and the industry, they get a clear competition advantage, ” says Pedersen.

Inferior quality

– What is the consequence?

– the Inferior quality. Many of the most experienced and most sought after individuals in the industry, NRK need to collect on dramasiden, don’t want to work for them on these premises, ” says Pedersen.

The upcoming “22. July”series, “Shame” and “17” is internproduksjoner where the members have been in contact with the motion picture association of america about the problems and conflicts due to a lack of collective agreement and opphavsrettsavtale, says forbundslederen.

during the months of Pedersen negotiated with NRK in the autumn of 2018, until the negotiations went in the gravel in December, he experienced the NRK as willing to agree on a collective agreement.

Negotiations broke down

It was just an obstacle that had to be resolved first, ” says Pedersen.

– the Norwegian broadcasting corporation was only willing to negotiate a collective agreement on salary if we did a deal about the copyright first. NRK wants staff directors and other creative ceding the rights to the work they are creating for all The platforms, in perpetuity. Without consensus, no collective agreement, is modest. Such an ultimatum is not suitable to find solutions, and the negotiations broke down, ” says Pedersen.

NRK now has a formulation in standardkontraktene, that they are asking employees who are entering and working on internal productions to sign on. Pedersen believes the formulation is the attempt fagforeningsknusing:

“(…) the Agreement does not limit The right to dispose of the employee’s work results and intellectual property rights in virtue of this employment relationship and chapter 15 of The collective agreement. The employee is obliged to inform NFF about that the employee himself will manage those rights as is necessary to fulfill this contract. The employee is aware that the salary for this employment contract include consideration for the transfer of rights,” it says in the agreement.

The employees have to say from themselves the rights to the material to the eternal time, and thus break the statute in their own trade unions in order to get a job. It is very rough and serious. NRK is in a distinctive position should be exemplary, but forces the employees to go against their own society, ” says Pedersen.

– Require special treatment

the Norwegian filmforbund manages the so-called opphavsrettutbetalinger through Filmforbundets Organization for Rettighetsforvaltning (FOR). Display a tv-series on television, including the photographer, director and editor paid rettighetsvederlag. This is a scheme the rest of the industry has innordnet himself, according to the motion picture association of america It is only the Norwegian broadcasting corporation who asks employees to say from this right.

– NRK requires special treatment and think they are so different than all the other players in the industry, that it requires that they get better terms. For us, this attempt of distortion in the Radio’s favor, ” says Pedersen.

He wants the politicians to come on the court to settle the matter, according to the Campaign. NRK has a different opinion, according to a press release they published on their own web site in a day.

– is not about the salary

They write that the NRK, in the purpose to get the Norwegian Filmforbund (NFF) in the face during the negotiations, suggested that filmforbundets members used the Radio’s own internal collective agreement. Thus, the agreement forbundsleder Pedersen claims can provide as much as 20 to 30 per cent paid less.

– But this has been rejected by the NFF. The controversy is not about salary, vacation or other benefits. Members of NFF have the same terms as other employees in the Norwegian broadcasting corporation, says dramasjef in NRK, Ivar Køhn.

– NRK believes that the attitude of the motion picture association of america are completely across all of the established practice in Norwegian working life, and all the way across by any other collective agreement NRK has with its 3400 employees. We want to employ members of the motion picture association of america. It is skilled people. We pay absolute good and competitive salaries that take account of the rights. Therefore, we think that it is natural that we also can use it they have made the way we want, believe Køhn, and continues:

– NRK pay for the rights to the content that we produce and publish, and want this to be available on all platforms today and in the future. It is important for NRK to ensure that the audience get to see what they have paid for through the license, type Køhn about the dispute about the rights to its own intellectual property.

While “all” discussing abortion, turn Giske alarm about NRK-sentence