Economy At the latest by the end of 2038 should Germany stop with the production of electricity from coal. This is a special commission of the German government this morning agreed to, and the news agency DPA from circles of participants are heard. Contentious points were a time plan for the trip to realise financial compensation for the energy companies and the coal-producing states.

Germany wants to end the burning of coal to achieve environmental objectives. By the end of 2022 would be the fourth largest economy in the world is already nuclear steps. According to the federal statistical agency took to germany in 2017 as 37 percent of their electricity from coal.

The agreement had a lot of feet in the earth. The committee met in Berlin for 21 hours at a stretch. The energy companies wanted financial promises in order to hedge against rising electricity prices. the

coal-producing federal states like North rhine-Westphalia, Brandenburg, saxony and Saxony-Anhalt wanted binding commitments that they have given financial support to a structural shift as the koolindustrie the coming years, the doors dichtdoet. In twenty years, it would be federal states 40 billion euros.

The commission can only make recommendations. Implementation of the agreement is a matter of the state governments and the federal government in Berlin.

Critics argue that the plans are not efficient and too expensive. The government buys, in fact, a whole energy sector, and then to close, says the.