“negotiating crime”, so the comment of a member of the coal Commission was early Saturday morning. Shortly before, at about 5 o’clock, and after more than 20 hours meeting, had 27 of the 28 members of the Commission in the Ludwig-Erhard-Saal adopted in the Federal Ministry of economy the final report. The only member of the Commission, Hannelore Wodtke from the Brandenburg Welzow not want to support the report. She lacked the secure assurance that manufacturers will not be dredged because of the brown coal mining.

The success have always stood on the rocks, reports, wrestle with some of the participants of the Commission on Saturday, with dark eyes. The fate of the Hambacher Forst, concrete power plant shutdowns in the East, and the end date were hard points of dispute that could only be solved in small groups.

In the result, the Minister-presidents of the coal countries, are likely to be satisfied, had criticized in recent weeks for the Commission: States to get over a period of 20 years, 40 billion euros from the Federal government. Originally Saxony had demanded-Anhalt’s Minister resident Reiner Haseloff (CDU), and his counterpart from Saxony and Brandenburg 60 billion euros. However, experts held by the Bank for overdrawn. Secured the sum of a state contract for future Federal governments binding.

Video 26.01.2019, 12:52 Uhr01:09 Min.Commission wants Coal phase-out by no later than 2038

In addition, the Federal government should ask the countries almost one billion euros per year, to hedge about 20 years, regardless of your concrete projects. Ronald Pofalla, railway Board and Chairman of the coal Commission, revealed on Saturday at the presentation of the final report is optimistic that the Federal government was for the total sum agreed. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) knew from talks with the Prime Minister, what is incumbent on you, – said Pofalla. For the employees of the coal-fired power plants, as well as the days build, the Commission for employment guarantees. The final report page-by-page suggestions to hang also which Jobs can be created in the regions.

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To 2022 should go to 12.5 gigawatts of coal from the web

In the Chapter on climate protection, the coal Commission recommends that, in Germany at the latest by 2038, the last coal-fired power plant from the grid. 2032 is to be checked whether the exit can be done already earlier, namely in 2035,.
For the climate protection effect is especially important that as quickly as possible larger amounts of reduced CO2 emissions. This rapid entry into the coal phaseout has taken into account the Commission: by 2022, the proposal is, to a total of 12.5 GW of coal from the grid.

also, those power plants are not included, due to their high age already tight. In addition, three gigawatts of brown coal and four gigawatts of coal will also be shut down. Intentionally, the Commission had recommended, but no specific power plants for the shutdown, said Barbara Praetorius, energy researcher and one of the Chairman of the Commission, on Saturday in Berlin.

However, it should be clear that by 2022, especially systems of the energy supplier RWE will be in the Rhine area from the network, because North Rhine-Westphalia, in the case of the shutdowns is not so transverse as in the East. The focus is on the power plants Neurath and niederaussem, because of their high age to the CO2-intensive coal-fired power plants. The amount of compensation for the power plants must negotiate with the Federal government with the energy provider RWE directly.

As a measure is often taken that very sum which is invested in the security readiness of the supplier: 600 million euros per Gigawatt. The Commission also recommends that no new coal-fired power plants to be commissioned. This would affect the already controversial power plant “Datteln IV” of the operator of Uniper.

the Commission considers that the preservation of the hambach forest is desirable

As the particularly sensitive subject of Negotiation, there has always been the fate of the hambach forest. In the final report, it is now the Commission believe it is “desirable” that the forest is preserved. “We can’t set but,” said Pofalla in Berlin.
A clear negotiating success for the East German Minister-President is that there is no concrete cut-off plan for coal-fired power plants in the period 2023 to 2030. The Commission confirmed in its final report only what is already in the black-red coalition agreement: by 2030, half of the coal capacity must be reduced. How to get there, was gradually clarified. “You can’t substantiate now,” said Pofalla. A small concession to the environmental groups, there are also.

The report says that by 2025 about ten million metric tons of CO2 need to be reduced – “as far as possible by an innovation project”. It is planned that the power plant Jänschwalde in the East German operator Leag to convert so that it will emit 90 percent less CO2.

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compromise to the Coal phase-out “of The hambach forest is saved,”

With the recommendations of the coal Commission are to achieve the climate targets in 2030, said the Chairman to the final in Berlin. Now the Federal government is on the train: you must accept the report and with the East German Prime Minister a measures law for the structural changes develop. And you have to create the energy-economic conditions for the coal aussstieg, especially the power grids continue to expand.