The do not know this country’s history, geography, nature, resource distribution, and please, never come to understand the driving forces in Norwegian politics. Norway is differently engaged. Our nasjonsforståelse springer not out of the sentralmakten and its institutions and symbols, as is common in Europe. Here on the rock, it is vice versa. We are Norwegian because we are nordlendinger, trøndere, vestlendinger, gudbrandsdøler, southerners, etc. Awareness of differences in living conditions and culture are the central thread in the Norwegian looms. This understanding is unifying – not divisive – the way we see it in countries like Italy, Spain and the Uk, where important regions rasler with the links.

Strength of the Norwegian construction is based on one central premise: the Regions and districts shall both have a certain degree of autonomy, the share in added value and strong influence on sentralmakten. We see traces of this in many places, f. ex. in distriktspolitikken, Norwegian oil policy, in the agricultural organization and in kraftkommunenes income. Not least in the valgordningen where both the county population and land area in the calculation basis for the mandates to the Parliament. A vote in Finnmark is more worth than a vote in Oslo.

You kødder not with this with impunity. The reaction to the expanded government Solberg missing trøndere, is a typical signs. Of course, Trine Skei Grande from the middle of norway, but she was elected to the Norwegian Parliament from Oslo, not from the county. And such a powerful region computes the closest that an allodial law to have people in every government.

the Episode is the most a reminder of a heavier phenomenon: Regions, districts, and periphery made have not been lost in urbanization and cultural pressure from the outside. A few years ago there were not many who would have predicted that the center party could be the new star in Norwegian politics. Both the Sp and the Fp collect voters that have a sting to Oslo, branch of government, kulturelitene and the distribution of the value. When many thousands are demonstrating in front of the Parliament to eradicate the wolf, it’s not just about the grazers, valuable viltressurser and security. For these people do not belong to the wolf nature, but the state and the bygrønne politicians. The wolf has become the symbol for a policy that endangers villagers ‘ way of life and the right to be master in its own house.

Distriktspolitikken and the conflict between centre and periphery live in the best of health. It happens to the despite major changes in industry and employment. Since the 1950’s has there lost 800 000 jobs in the agriculture, fisheries and forestry. Steadily have the population in many of the smallest municipalities decreased. Seen this way we become ever more equal to our neighbouring countries, but we still have the lowest share of the population residing in urban settlements in the Nordic countries. In this context, has research director Svein Frisvoll in Ruralis pointed out that other prominent features of Norway. Over time we have had population growth in all regions – also the northernmost. It can be taken to the income for that it is possible with an active rural and regional policy.

Question if it is possible to maintain the relatively high distriktspolitikken at the same time as there is a tenacious strukturrasjonalisering of bosettings and næringsmønsteret. There are already clear signs of the historical conflict between center and periphery move on. In the increasingly led the fight against the capital’s political and economic hegemony from populous areas such as the Stavanger region, Bergen and industristedene in Hordaland, cities in Møre and Romsdal county and the urban core areas in Trøndelag and in Northern Norway. The actual hinterland is becoming less visible.

Contradictions is not only political and cultural, they have a high degree of a material basis. As before, the Norwegian grunnressursene in rural areas. It is where we find the forest, the sea, the minerals, the arable soil and utmarkene, electric power, landscapes and natural beauty that the tourism industry lives by. We shall continue to develop all of this, it must “stay the people of husan”. Then we both have pointed schemes such as differentiated employer’s social security contributions, and grants of investment, but also wider measures within the transport and education.

most Importantly, nevertheless, local ownership, local decision-making authority and local right to shares of the value created. It gives responsibility for their own fate, pride, and cultural awareness of the Norwegian space in the project, Norway.

Dear Erna, now can I no more Debate