After an intense nattest was eventually Lars Berger (39) who had to leave the “Mesternes”-the ship in the evening. After three conducted exercises in the subject of concentration and coordination, managed the former toppidrettsutøveren just to escape the bunnplassering.

It saved him, unfortunately not from the nattest, as former high jumper Hanne Haugland (51) challenged Berger to duel.

LARGE VOLTAGE: After two rounds there was a tie between Hanne Haugland and Lars Berger. After several nerve-wracking minutes, it became clear that the former drew the longest straw. Photo: NRK / Screenshot View more

I was lying second at the bottom, and felt really that I was in danger of being selected. That she picked me, was thus not so surprising. I saw that as fair, ” says Lars Berger to the Newspaper.

Struck back

39-year-old – who, incidentally, beat out the Chinese Olsen Vedelden (24) in nattest last week – managed to hijack the first lysrøret. When Haugland struck in the second round, was the post on the other hand as a draw. Further followed some highly intense minutes, before it cuts out completely for Berger in the final and decisive round.

This did you not see on tv: – She was a real vrangpeis

– I felt really ready for the task, and it started well. In round three came lysrøret a little more to the left than I had seen for me, so when missed I absolutely.

Thus ended in victory for Haugland.

She was lynkjapp, and beat firmly back. I am very impressed by her. Hanne was simply the best.

– Stopped very quickly

Thus follows the 39-year-old in the footsteps of the above-mentioned Chinese Olsen Vedelden, followed by Ole Martin Årst and Ann Kristin Flatland. In contrast to them, got the Berger experience several weeks on the Spanish resort island of Mallorca. He acknowledges, however, that the stay was a little too short.

” I had absolutely a desire to be further. Things ended very quickly. It felt a little strange. On the other hand, I had a good stay, and become acquainted with many nice people that I consider new friends. It has been a wonderful experience.

the Case continues under:

– It was entirely too freaking

When Berger la konkurranseskiene on the shelf for soon four years ago, he stood again with a kongepokal, seven verdenscupseire, one world cup silver, and eight world CHAMPIONSHIP medals as a proof of a phenomenal career.

To be world champion in two vintergrener – respectively, cross-country skiing and biathlon – will, however, not free. Earlier this week opened the 39-year-old up about life after idrettskarrieren, and told among other things that he put up for family reasons.

I let the including up of family reasons. As a performer, I went very into the tasks I had in front of me, and thought sports the whole time. I was probably a little “remove” in the most demanding periods.

the Days consisted of a lot of traveling, and it was a little too tough for his wife to manage at home alone. I wanted to be more present, he said to Dagbladet.

SIBLINGS: today are both retired from the ski tracks, but during the world cup in biathlon in 2005 was Lars and Tora Berger the world’s best skiskyttersøsken. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more Proposed after four months

It was in 2014 that the 39-year-old met Linda Tangen (33). All testified of a personal encounters, when Berger went down on his knee just four months later.

– It went very quickly. I fell for the fact that she is a cheerful and nice lady with the legs firmly planted on the ground. She was safe and nice, and had a twinkle in his eye, he said, and continued:

Let up of family reasons: – a Little too tough for my wife

– like me like Linda to be active, and is never a stranger to throw themselves on the things. It I appreciate. I let me also fascinated to learn that she is the carpenter. A practical bent. It is fun.

After a more than years as a couple, bought the couple a house together – followed by marriage in the gudbrandsdal valley in may 2015. When the 39-year-old let up, he went on to a role as a trainer for the paralandslaget.

After the contract went out last year, he moved his way into new territory, and currently works as an assistant store manager at Save.

Exposed to trauma as a child: – My mom, as I knew her, was gone