announced Five weeks after the beginning of the “Shutdowns” in the US, US President, Donald Trump has made a breakthrough in the bitter budget dispute with the Democrats. “I am very proud to announce that we have reached a Deal to end the Shutdown and open the government again,” said Trump on Friday in the rose garden of the White house. You have. for transitional funding for the disused parts of the government up to 15 February agreed. In this time, should be advised about measures for border security.

A commitment from the Democrats over the requested $ 5.7 billion for the construction of a wall on the border to Mexico mentioned Trump. Trump said with a view to the Democrats only: “you have finally and fully recognised that there is a barrier or a fence, or walls, or whatever you want to call it, will be an important part of the solution.” So far, the Democrats have refused to Finance the Trump of the required wall on the border to Mexico strictly.

Congress must agree to transition financing. Trump is dependent on the votes of Democrats. Trump said he had asked the majority leader of his Republicans in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, the proposal immediately. Also, the Democrats led the house of representatives must approve the proposal. The Democrats had previously proposed, repeatedly, to open the government again, and then to discuss about border security. To Friday, Trump had refused the. Trump called for so far, $ 5.7 billion for the construction of the wall.

Because of the “Shutdowns” are a staff of 800 000 Federal for more than a month in the forced leave or to unpaid work. On Friday, the content was in many of them for the second Time in a row, which is usually paid every two weeks. Trump announced on Friday that the money should be reimbursed as soon as possible after the “Shutdown”-at the end of retroactively.

Especially on Trump was the public pressure in the budget dispute in the past few days. He had announced to use the Shutdown as leverage to force the Democrats to relent in a dispute over the wall.

More about

budget freeze in the USA, the Shutdown of the US-Federal police, FBI in Need

In a on Friday published the survey of the “Washington Post” and ABC accounted for 53 percent of Trump and the Republicans for the “Shutdown” responsible for 34 percent of the Democrats. 54 percent of respondents were against a border wall, 42 percent. Since the beginning of the “Shutdowns” are Trumps values already with moderate Approval has decreased further. (dpa)