“Jail for former PET-head-in-Denmark”

“A former head of the Danish security police (PET) has been sentenced to four months in prison.”

“Jakob Scharf, head of PET (Politiets Efterretningstjeneste) 2007-2013. He has claimed that he was careful when he is faced with writer Morten Skjoldager told me about his time there, but the Danish authorities reacted strongly.”

“A prohibition on giving out the book of issue and all copies were seized. But shortly thereafter published the book in place as a part of the newspaper Policy helgbilaga.”

“the Methods and forms of cooperation”

“In the book, which was released in October of 2016,” says Scharf on the one hand on concrete terrorutredningar, on the other hand, the working methods and cooperation with other intelligence services.”

“the Prosecutor’s office lifted in the indictment until 28 passages in the book that could be seen as revealing of secret information.”

“But before the court did not PET in detail to be able to go into why these passages in the book could be considered harmful to national security. Instead, he testified that the current PET-the head of the Finn Borch Andersen, in more general terms about the damage the book caused. He pointed out that the details, which individually may seem insignificant, cumulatively, can make it possible to see how the PET works.”

“Some of the information in the book may have meant the risk of individual people, have PET is also claimed.”

“Of the 28 designated passages can the prosecution echoed by the court of justice of 18. On the four points to be cleared Scharf entirely on the six points given the benefit of the he part.”

“The district court has also decided that the less than 400 000 Danish kroner he earned from his participation in the book project will be forfeit.”

“Earlier, in January was sentenced Policy editor-in-chief and the magazine’s owners to pay fines for the publication in the helgbilagan.”

“The Danish security police PET, have claimed that the former head Jakob Scharf in the book”

“the Copenhagen byret have come to the conclusion that he violated the confidentiality in 18 passages and that he therefore should be sentenced to four months in prison.”

“When the book would be published in October 2016 decided the Copenhagen byret if utgivningsförbud. But the newspaper Policy to bypass the ban by publishing the book in a helgbilaga.”

“For this Policy’s editor-in-chief sentenced to 50 000 Danish kroner in fines and the proprietary company to 100 000 sek.”