the author of Fake News are paranoid with an exuberant imagination; that deform the reality in a grotesque way, and thus Breasts the most wild conspiracies… so be it

But tens of thousands of Believe your crazy rumors, is extremely disturbing. The latest case in terms of Fake News remained in Germany largely unnoticed. Not so in France, and still less in the Alsace region.

On 11. January is a Europe published a critical member of the European Parliament wanted to sell a Video on Youtube and Facebook: Emmanuel Macron Alsace-Lorraine to Germany. An agreement on the assignment of the Region will be prepared under the highest secrecy, and 22. January, signed by the French President and the German Chancellor in Aachen. The false news spread like wildfire in the social media, especially on right-wing sites and the yellow vests. The excitement was great, and greater, petitions have been created. Marine Le Pen from the right took advantage of the opportunity and accused the President in a television interview: “Emmanuel Macron is selling our country and undermined in order to France’s sovereignty”.

You could, of course, simply shrug the shoulders. The Alsace region since 1945, the French, as a matter of course. But apparently not for all. A few years ago, awoke in Strasbourg, in a state of great excitement: A Nazi flag emblazoned on the Cathedral. Panic. You are back! A Moment of palpitation, until it was clear that here was a Film was shot. You laughed at yourself. But this strange moment of confusion was perhaps not quite so harmless as it seems.

As the peace had finished post-war children of the Adenauer – De-Gaulle-time, only a Moment, such a possibility can believe in? And how can anyone today be convinced, in all Seriousness, Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have met last Tuesday in Aachen, in order to seal the sale of Alsace to Germany?

The false message seems to have awakened deep in the collective Interior of the French slumbering Fears, at least some French. The Élysée Treaty and reconciliation or not, it seems that these Fears would be gone. It was Marine le Pen, the summons at every opportunity, the spectre of German hegemony, be it in the left camp, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is not tired, the German hegemony in Europe, to denounce and to reflect on the “German – French legend” funny: The relations with Germany will remain complicated.

Last Tuesday, has gekreißt the mountain of delusions, Merkel and Macron, however, have given birth to a tiny mouse: to call a plain, straight ambitious contract. Instead of annexation, the improvement of cross-border transport, the strengthening of bilingualism in schools, cooperation in job placement. Don’t worry: The Alsace remains French. We speak French in the streets of Strasbourg (and less French), the younger Generation more and more often English, rare English. And the day before yesterday, I had ascertained to me: At the public buildings, the Tricolor emblazoned everywhere.

More about

Aachen Treaty, Merkel and Macron summon unity of Europe

Translation from French : Odile Kennel.