“He wrote the message in the mordoffrets blood – were serving sentences in the women’s prison”

“Serving the sentence of Hinsebergs women’s prison”

“After the murder used the 19-year-old victim’s blood and wrote ”Why so serious?” on toalettspegeln. “

“In the summer, he was sentenced to twelve years in prison for the deed.”

“the Punishment is serving killer now on Hinsebergs women’s prison – when he legally still is a woman, according to the NA.”

“After having contact via Snapchat deceived the then-18-year-old man with the victim on a public toilet at Järntorget in central Örebro. “

“They both had an appointment under the pretext of conducting an narkotikaaffär. The now 19-year-old killer wanted to buy drugs to, in turn, could themselves become drug dealers. “

“But the meeting on Saturday 6 January last year ended in a pure bloodbath. “

“The 23-year-old victim was cut several times in the neck and the neck. Blood covered the floor and stained the walls of the small toilet. “

“On the mirror in the toilet, found the police a quote written in the victim’s blood:”

“”Why so serious?”, went to read. The quote is well-known from the batman movie The Dark Knight where the character of the Joker shed the comment several times. “

“the 19-year-old is denied in the district court to the murder and during interrogation has given several different versions of what happened. During the trial, he blamed it the murder of a previously unknown friend who has taken on his clothes and performed the deed. “

“the district Court sentenced him nevertheless to twelve years in prison, among other things, based on a couple of testimonials by friends as 19-year-old admitted the murder, as well as to have written the sentence on the mirror. “

“Launched transutredning”

“When 19-year-old has now begun to serve his twelve year term of imprisonment, it is kvinnoanstalten Hinseberg outside Frövi, write NA.”

“Both the reporting media to the law enforcement authorities have portrayed the killer as a man of the judgments and articles. Among other things, prosecutor Karl-Erik Antonsson. “

” For my part, it was not a conscious decision that writing ”he”. I believe that thoughts lead in the wrong when the person has a male name. I see here that I wrote ”he” in the first bevisuppgifterna despite the fact that it is the personal identity number it is a woman, ” he says to the NA.”

“the 19-year-old had a year before the murder started a transutredning in order to determine any könsdysfori and defines himself as ”he”, according to an article in a local newspaper from 2016. “

“Where, he stated that treatment with testosterone is initiated, and that reassignment surgery waited, and talked about their longing for the right body. “

“Unclear whether the more lenient sentence.”

“with the imprisonment that dream can come to linger, according to the NA. A release can be current no earlier than 2023, the magazine writes.”

“IN the NA state 19-see her bold fashion lawyer Ylva Hagstedt that it is placeringsenheten who decides whether any prison sentence imposed on, but would not comment on whether it is a discussion she had with his client. “

“If the 19-year-old would have received a more lenient sentence if she was described as a woman, had they themselves not taken into consideration. “

“– The talk about it sometimes, you can get a minor aside, as a woman, but there’s no support for it in the law. This is not something we have discussed. He looks like a man, of course he gets called for it, and it is obvious for the courts also to treat him as a man, ” says Ylva Hagstedt to NA.”