Because of Mette Helena Rasmussen, who among other things is known for TV2 programmes ‘Settlers’ and ‘Flea Deluxe’, the other should have moved some things from Jutland and his store, Retro Villa in Copenhagen, it went far from as easy as she had hoped.

She opted to have moved her things with Viby Transport, but she would apparently never have done.

– I needed to get moved some things from Jutland, and in this context I went on the moving Here one should describe the task you want done, thoroughly. I do. I write, I have 20 moving boxes, a few bookshelves and paintings. That is ticking more offers, and I will choose the cheapest. It is Viby Transport. I thank yes to the offer, and I am not thinking of to check out the reviews, says Mette Helena to Ekstra Bladet.

But only a short time after that Mette Helena Rasmussen had said yes to Viby Transport were supposed to ship her things, started the problems.

– Viby service and take contact to me, because we have to deal, when things should be picked up and delivered. Here go there as a flow in time, where it is difficult to land an appointment on when to come up with things. We will make agreements, and then I get to know that it is not possible to do at the time anyway, says Mette Helena Rasmussen.

– in Addition to contact me suddenly and says, that it’s going to cost 500 dollars more to get my stuff, because I have more things than what I had stated. I write, I expect that the offer will be complied with, because I very accurately described what needs to be moved. I got a text message which said that I should just be happy and feel myself lucky because it could have been much worse. Already there, I think that it was very strange, she says.

Photo: Private

By Mette Helena Rasmussen had waited a few days, where she and the moving company had not come to consensus on when things should be delivered or received clarification about price, you arrive flyttemanden with things.

Delivery is conducted according to Mette Helena Rasmussen is far from frictionless.

– Actually, it starts with be completely fine. I thought that they had understood that I would not pay more than what we had first agreed. I wonder, however, slightly above, that there are many furniture in the flyttebilen, and that several of them are knocked over and broken. It is strange. But I get my stuff out, and they look fine, she says.

– But it is here that there occurs a tense situation. I say ’thank you for the help’ and will clear the payment, and then I ask for a invoice. But flyttemanden continues to insist that he must have money, with the same with MobilePay, straksoverførsel or cash. I say that I have a company, and that I must have an invoice. But he will not run before he has received the money on the way, so I put me in the car and pay.

Subsequently received Mette Helena Rasmussen a message, in which she of the moving company was called to evaluate her experience. It, she decided to do.

– I have got my stuff. They have come forward. But it has been inconvenient, the communication has been bad, and it has been a bad style. It has just not been the coolest experience, so I give two out of five stars.

Then began the owner of the company, Osman Secmen, according to Mette Helena Rasmussen to make contact with her, and it was far from the nice words he had on the heart.

Photo: Private

– He writes, among other things, ‘fuck you’, ‘fuck your man’ and ‘suck my dick’. I did not answer it, but it continued. He writes that I must remove my bad rating. I will be very shocked by the messages, they continue, and I just think ‘god, where is the grotesque’, she says about the messages, as the Extra Leaf has seen.

You can see a picture of one of the sms, as Mette Helena has shared on his Instagram profile, here:

Show this posting on Instagram

Are you too poor to take criticism? I rated a moving company on Trustpilot on top of a over retrovilla moving in Sunday, and it spawned a series of text messages from the moving company, as I perceived harassing and threatening, and I can now see on Trustpilot, I am not the only one who has had negative experiences with the moving company. But it got me to think about whether it is only the negative customer experiences that get us to the keys? Remember you will also need to write a good review when you have been satisfied? Or do we have more tendency to let the anger reign in us and use it as energy, when the whole internet need to know our positions? . See my story

A spread shared by METTE HELENA – the SETTLERS (@mettehelena) the

The nasty messages got Mette Helena Rasmussen to examine the Price of Transport closer.

– I’m checking up on his company on Trustpilot, and I can see that he has gotten many bad reviews. So I’m choosing to write a review also, which I also tell on your messages. It made him even more angry.

– He becomes threatening, he writes that he will come in Copenhagen every day, and I must take care of. I was really creepy, and then I called actually to the police and talked to them about it and they have noted it as an event. I was really, really creepy and nervous, says Mette Helena.

since then she has not heard from Osman Secmen, however, chose to make a negative review of her boutique, Retro Villa, on Trustpilot immediately after.

– Here, he wrote that I was a pig, ” says a shaken Mette Helena Rasmussen.

Many sure customers

On Trustpilot has Viby Transport got a large number of negative reviews.

‘A business I would in no way recommend to anyone. The owner blackmails money out of a, even though you have made a totally clear agreement on the price, but suddenly does it cost extra. The company is pure fraud. Can not recommended for anyone’, writes a male user.

‘Miserable company, which for the first does not perform the agreed work for the customer, and when they are confronted with it, threatens the people with, that it will be worst for them even. Do not move with this dishonest company’, writes another.

En Ekstra Bladet prisoners Osman Secmen over the phone, he has not much left over for Mette Helena Rasmussen’s criticism.

– She is a bad person. She is a pig. I tried to help her and said that she had three options: MobilePay, straksoverførsel and cash. So what is the problem? Why should she complain all the possible places?, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

He acknowledges that he has written several nasty things to Mette Helena Rasmussen, even though he has long since got its money. But he undoes them far from.

– I have written, that she can suck my dick, yes. Why is she writing that she has a bad experience? Because she is sur, and because I have black hair, and she has white, he says, before he throws the pipe on the:

– I don’t wanna to talk more with you. Goodbye.

At Mette Helena Rasmussen has the episode, however, put your thoughts in motion.

I was naive, that I not checked up on the company before I got up to it. I will definitely do in the future. Now I am real user of Trustpilot, she says with a laugh.

And so I have it here also just taught me that one must remember to praise the good experiences you have.