Offshoring concerns in the east”

“If the last 20 years, Romania have lost more than a quarter of its inhabitants, compared with the 90-century.”

“there is growing Concern for the consequences of the growing move to the west.”

“the Dilapidated facades and broken boxes are not unusual in Bucharest. But it is not the war that pulled – without emigration.”

“When the Ceausescu regime fell and the iron curtain opened in 1989, Romania had just over 23 million inhabitants. Now the figure is down in the 19.5 million – and is expected to about 20 years, have descended to 17, according to the EU’s projections.”

” Last year the emigrated 70 000 romanians to Germany, and then I am talking about the people that are really moving, not just going back and forth. I have people around me who have decided to go, in their 40s, with young children. They are very bitter, ” says korruptionsaktivisten Laura Stefan.”

“the Same thing is happening and has happened in a number of countries that were counted in the old Eastern europe. Latvia and Lithuania have already lost a quarter of its population compared with 1989. Bulgaria has lost a fifth.”

“by the year 2040 anticipate the EU’s statisticians to western countries like Sweden, Belgium and Austria continues to grow in terms of population with just over ten per cent. At the same time is expected to all member countries behind the old iron curtain, instead, to reduce – just as eurokrisdrabbade sydländer such as Portugal, Greece and Italy.”

“– We have a developed part of the EU and a part that tries to catch up. As long as it is done so there will be people who leave, says Romania’s it and communications minister Alexandru Petrescu when the TT and other EUROPEAN journalists from the Brussels visit in Bucharest.”

“Petrescu still try to be an optimist. He is himself a former emigrant.”

“– I studied in the Wales from 1997, worked as a banker in London 2012 and had a good career, but I decided to come home. Sure, I had to lower my income, but I won to come home is much more worthwhile, “says Petrescu and talking about proximity to family and friends, and the feeling of being”

“The great emigration, the Romanian government has appointed a special minister”

“– It creates a sense of unity. And the digitization will help us. They are often very active on social media, ” says Petrescu.”

“the Dream is to get more people to do it-the minister and a beautiful day bring back lots of trained, multilingual and dedicated ex-emigrants into society.”

“But in the meantime there is a risk of continued decline. And when the middle class moves abroad it will be the richest and the poorest people who are left – with political consequences.”

“– It will have an effect on how the voting will look like in the future. I’m not particularly optimistic, sighs korruptionsaktivisten Laura Stefan.”