“Election assessment statement: the Belief that MP significantly hurts”

“Many voters feel that the green Party does not understand”

“It is portentous and a real problem for the party, according to the MP’s election assessment statement.”

“the green Party received only 4.4% of the votes in the parliamentary elections. It is the worst result the party had and still managed to remain in parliament.”

“According to the party’s valutvärdering was väljarraset, particularly on the crises the party was hit by 2015-2016.”

“An example is the former red-green government’s tightening of migration policy, which was contrary to the MP’s values and election promises.”

“another example is the disclosure that the then minister for housing Mehmet Kaplan (MP), inter alia, been at a dinner with supporters to a högerextrem Turkish organization.”

“Valutvärderingen points also criticized the statements of the then spokesperson Åsa Romson and that the party was about to take a candidate to the regional parliament that did not take women in hand.”

“According to the evaluation is the Green party’s confidence badly shot down.”

“Valutvärderarna also points out that a large group of voters have a picture of the Greens as a party that does not take the rural and common people’s challenges seriously.”

“Popular representatives”

“On the positive side, there are, according to valanalysen, a continued high confidence for the MP on environmental issues.”

“But notes that the elections in 2018, was not an environment – and klimatval a few broader groups of the electorate. Environmental issues are, however, important also for the C – and V-voters.”

“But valutvärderarna suggest that these two parties had a significantly greater tailwind and popular representatives.”