The doubts of reputed pulmonary physicians to the limit values for harmful substances in the air to push the debate to driving bans. The group of 111 renowned Doctors of Dieter Köhler was criticized in its opinion, there is currently “no scientific justification for the current limit values” for fine dust and nitrogen oxides. They called for a re-evaluation of the studies. The data for the risk due to air pollution had been interpreted “extremely one-sided”.

How Brussels and Berlin react?

environment Commissioner Karmenu Vella defended the limits: you had been adopted by all the member States and the European Parliament, and “based on solid scientific evidence, the world health organization (WHO), the questions of the world’s leading authority in health.” Also the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze (SPD), rejected the criticism. The values were used for the protection of all people. The vast majority of cities do it to adhere to the limits. “We do not have a limit problem, but a Diesel, and transport is a problem.” In contrast, the members of the European Parliament Norbert Lins (CDU) referred to the driving bans in Germany as “disproportionate”: “Germany is in a wrong location. No other European country has vehicles driving bans of Euro-4. Only Stuttgart has locked the entire downtown,“ said Linz, in an interview with our newspaper. The debate on the limits and of the measurement locations show that it is vital to an open and scientific discussion must be conducted. He keeps a change of the limit values is possible: “as soon As we have the results of the study to be measured, as well as new insights to the border, must be taken the right conclusions for the future of the European air pollution Directive.”

How realistic is a Change in the limits?

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it is Clear that there is still a long way off. If at all. Especially since the political will of the Commission is not currently available. Even in Parliament there would be great Resistance. Nevertheless, there are Attempts in Brussels and Berlin, to revise the limit values and to put such bans. A Change in the EU air pollution Directive would be technically at the earliest in 2020, inconceivable. In many cities, the pollution load is decreasing. That is to say: A Change would probably be to grab a time where in most cities the limit values already adhered to.

What it is trying to Berlin in order to avoid bans?

The Federal government bans considers to be disproportionate, if the limit values for nitrogen dioxide 40 micrograms is only slightly exceeded. Therefore, you want to let a law decide the bans provides up to concentrations of 50 micrograms, no driving. The law is for the assessment in Brussels. Until the middle of February, the Commission and the other member States can submit their comments on it. Only then it can be in the Bundestag decided. Should the Commission have objections, may initiate an infringement procedure against Germany.

the Commission shall review the limit values?

Yes, the cycle runs according to a Review of the air pollution control Directive. At the end of the year, the result of the fitness checks will be available. The new Commission, which comes at the end of the year into office, could then make a new proposal. The Commission has already acknowledged that there is need for Amendments: The Commission acknowledge, it was said, “that the criteria could be improved in some cases with a view to clearer measurements.” It will also be examined, “whether the air quality guidelines, including the criteria adopted for the locations of the sample sites serve their purpose”.

What’s going on in Parliament?

on the Initiative of Norbert Lins (CDU) has given the European Parliament a study of the measurement in order. The study should examine whether the authorities in the member States in each of the same criteria in the selection of the measurement for the air quality create. The selection of the stationary measurement stations, in ten local authorities in several member countries of the EU is to be taken by the experts critically. The results of the study will be available in mid-March.

What’s going on at the WHO?

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pulmonary doctors limits fine dust-criticize – everything hysteria?

Richard Friebe Henrik Mortsiefer

The world health organization (WHO) had recommended in 1999, the limit value of 40 micrograms of nitrogen oxides. He has been endorsed by the EU in 2008, when the air was clean decided attitude Directive by the member States and the EU Parliament. It is, currently, a Review of the scientific basis for the recommendation of 40 micrograms over at the WHO.