Mariskan new intense and dramatic graphene-a single.

Singer Mariska will release new music in a few years a quiet life after. A new single position in Graphene-name. Mariska told pääseensä to make music with a new lineup and are enjoying it.

Mariska is going to leave a gig for the new album after the announcement, but doing it in your own family terms. Inka Soveri / IL

–be the single Graphene-the name comes from the fact that graphene is the world of the hard substance known. The Idea that people compare things for always a diamond, but diamond is a hard substance. I was thinking that I want to bring the hardness up and found graphene, which is the world of strength of the material. There is still something more fascinating. Your core compare to this substance. No matter what happens, so your core is indestructible, Mariska reflect a single theme.

He told draws from their upcoming album of songs a lot of his own personal life. A few of the things he has taken his friends life.

–Almost all the songs in the drama of the arch is through hardship to victory. When the relationship type, so of course mirror it heavily on your own background against my. Yes I think I can fit all kinds of adjustment to this life, the singer says with a laugh.

Maternity contributed to the music

Mariskan firstborn to fill in the summer for three years. He is in day care kindergarten, so maris kallen more time to make music for.

–day care of thanks I get rich you many hours of time on a daily basis. I was just wondering, that when he was not yet in the treatment, so I was maybe even a little more productive. Now when given more time as it naps, then somehow started levähdellä. Themselves should begin again to kick more effective, the singer laughed.

Mariskan upcoming album is scheduled for release in the autumn. Inka Soveri / IL

She said motherhood has affected my music.

–of Course it affects there in the background, even if I don’t the children sing. Nevertheless, it does give one perspective and I think that myself is a hope also of people with something move occurred motherhood, Mariska consider.

the Singer tells are enjoying a particular child development followed.

–for your Self the particular pleasure of the swamp with his verbal development. It’s been amazing. We just sing and we exchange words. We don’t listen to terrible music, but doing talking about and make our own lyrics. Such natural togetherness, Mariska describes. Lovely to see it’s development.


the beginning of his Career Mariska was known as a hip-hop artist. Today, pop music was focused on the singer sees many things have changed careers start in music.

I’m Sure the experience is at least one that is to come. I take a full composition responsibility, it is that big of a difference. And I practice actively singing today, singing lessons and in the basement I work out every day. It has opened me to a whole new world, Mariska said.

Mariska has done the lyrics and composed for many other artists always Jenni Vartia – Give the Tree . In recent years appreciation come Teosto 90 -id award in the form, which Mariska did Risto Asikainen .

It was a kind of recognition for their work so far and has encouraged me to continue. It is at least thanks for what I’ve done. Sure people get the feedback is also important. I’ve done a lot of looking and some people are like, Mariska says with a laugh.

Last independence day Mariska celebration Castle party.

I Was really surprised to get the call. That day, however, so that in everyday life sähellyksessä. It’s kind of comical, when you always will think, that such great moments you have to somehow slow motion and the film torque. Then I needed just in a hurry to dress the child day home. It was, however, a great story and I was pleased immensely, Mariska said.

Mariska told me to relax its moving almost every day at the gym, visit or swim.

I’m starting to appreciate it, although I have been around always. I also try today to take care of it, that I would go early enough to bed. Nothing complex, but important stuff, Mariska said.

the upcoming album is supposed to come out in the fall. Mariska said that relaxing christmas holiday after she has the energy for a long period of time.

–I will Focus on my own album to do and I’ll write some other process. Some try to keep the pencil sharp, it won’t get bored. I have a working method that I like to prefer low hikkenä be ahead of time, as then everything last minute, he states and smiles.