It is likely still that the parliament in Athens will vote yes to settlement agreement with the neighboring country – which makes the name change becomes a reality. This, in turn, makes the path to membership in Nato and the EU opened for the exjugoslaviska the country.

Prime minister Alexis Tsipras’s Syriza has 145 votes out of the 151 needed, but thanks to the defectors from other parties are expected to he get 153 or 154 votes.

Read more: Why can two people make a fuss about the name of a country in 28 years

started already on Wednesday and a crucial vote was scheduled for late Thursday evening. But now it turns out that more than 200 members have signed up to speak – of the 300 total – and that time is therefore not enough.

At 14.30 on Friday afternoon, the vote will not take place, according to Greek media.

at the same time the expected new protests on syntagma square outside the parliament building during Thursday night. The 1,500 police officers is utkommenderade in the centre of Athens.

is against the agreement with the neighbouring country, and on Sunday protested upwards of 100,000 against the agreement. 25 police officers were injured in the riots.

TV: the Battle for the name Macedonia