“Your mother laughs at the ugly woman in the mirror.” – “Your mother is so stupid, she sits on the TV and watch the Sofa.” – “Your mother is so fat, when she makes Bungee-Jumping, it lands you in hell.”

If you have a ten – to 15-year-old son, you know these jokes. Nothing find pre-pubescent fun, the little brothers giggle at times as a precaution. The jokes that circulate on the Playground, there are variations on the same theme: the mother of The other is the last. Parents are a bit perplexed in front of this phenomenon.

of Course, you begrudge his children their own sense of Humor, and, of course, may also be dirty. But these jokes on the sticks is a malicious meanness, to which we respond increasingly sensitive. It goes against thickness, against ugliness and against the underclass: “What rolls out with 200 km on the highway? Your mother with McDonald’s coupons.” Especially one thing is clear: It is always against women. Your-dad-jokes are googlebar, but it quickly becomes clear that someone wanted to do the gender justice. To break for stations to land so no Coup.

Your-mom-jokes are only told among the boys, they are a kind of Code, with the same masses, the community donated such as domination, is exercised. You are always a direct attack. This is done via the mother, is no coincidence. Behind it is a pattern of Insult, so – called Maternally-is the mother insult. Their original form is always of a sexual nature: The mother is accused of promiscuity. In the USA, where the “Yo Mama”jokes were first described in the 1960s, is the obscene variant much more common than with us: “Yo Mama is like a parking garage … three bucks and you’re in” – “Your mother is like a Parking garage … for three dollars each.”

year thousands of male fear and violence, is condensed in a joke

The mother insult ancient and culturally widespread. In the Bible, revile themselves to the adversary by the soiling of the mothers. In China one of the worst of the dam’s vaccinations: “Your mother is a turtle.” Turtles do not live promiscuous, turtle children know their father. In all Patriarchal societies women’s sexuality is sanctioned much more than male. There are many reasons.

In the first place, it is, of course, possessiveness and institutionalized jealousy. But also purity fanaticism plays a role, as he comes in the image of the virgin Mary, or of Sigmund Freud’s bourgeois separation of chaste love and animalistic desire. And then there were the patrilineal succession, in the possession and status from the father to the sons of annualisation (and the only). The insult: “Your dad might not be your father (because your mother is a whore)”, should be not less hot than: “May be you’re a total Nothing.”

thousands of male fear and violence, condensed into a joke. Somehow this is even more funny. But then but. Because the Great thing about Humor is that he develops an anarchic self-logic. Probably the today, Your created-mother-jokes from the verbal Competition “The Dozens”, is played primarily by African-Americans. This is a kind-friendly-funny Battle Rap. It comes to outdo the Opposite with always absurderen claims – the by-standers to act as a Jury.

So it came from the original sexual meaning of Yo-Mama-jokes to an Opening in the other categories: ugly, fat, unkempt, stupid. But, the scenarios were always unreal, and so, it became increasingly clear that no real people can be offended with something like that. The jokes are pure language-games, explore a possibility space with crazy Exaggerations – children with their sprawling fantasy love, of course. The most Beautiful of the jokes even leave the Patriarchy behind, by returning to a all-encompassing mother goddess: “Your mother is so fat, when I turn around, I see you still.” Or, in a wonderful pure form: “Your mother is so fat, she is like God: it is everywhere.” (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 24.01.2019, 14:52 PM