The power struggle in Venezuela is completely flared. The oppositional Parliament President Juan Guaidó said on Wednesday in mass protests against the left-nationalist head of state, Nicolás Maduro, the interim President.

“I swear to officially take over the national Executive powers as acting President of Venezuela, to stop the Usurpation, a transitional government and hold free elections,” said Guaidó in front of supporters in the capital Caracas. Guaidó was elected at the beginning of January to the President of the Opposition-dominated national Assembly.

the White house issued a statement of the US President it was called then, Guaidó represent “the only legitimate” state institution of the country, because he “had been elected properly” from the Venezuelan people.

pictures: power struggle in Venezuela

Maduro, announced as a response to the abort of the diplomatic relations of his country to the USA and gave to the diplomatic Corps of the United States 72 hours to Leave the country. “I’ve decided, the diplomatic and political relations with the imperialist government of the United States to cancel,” said Maduro. “Get out! Way from Venezuela. Here Would be reigns, damn it.”

The U.S. Department of state made it clear that Maduro’s decision not to recognize. “The United States does not recognize the Maduro Regime as the government of Venezuela,” the Ministry said. According to Maduro does not have the “legal power”, the diplomatic relations to the USA or US-to explain to diplomats undesirable persons.

The U.S. Department of state also advised a clear warning to the Venezuelan leadership: “The United States will take appropriate measures in order to pull each and every responsibility that endangered the security of our diplomatic mission and its personnel.” The Ministry also called for the Venezuelan armed forces, the welfare of all Venezuelan citizens, but also to guarantee to the foreigners and US citizens in the country.

army stands behind Maduro

The army has a crucial role in the power struggle between Maduro and Guaidó. Venezuela’s defense Minister Vladimir Padrino insured on Wednesday, the armed forces of the country would stand behind Maduro, and Guaidó. The soldiers would refuse “in the shadow of sinister interests imposed President”, was appointed “outside the law” to the head of state.

On Monday, a rebellion attempt of 27 soldiers against Maduro had failed. The Situation in the country had worsened since then. In the case of protests and riots organization came on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to the non-governmental Observatory for social conflict (OVCS) at least 13 people were killed. Most of the people were killed by firearms.

EU urges credible elections

The German foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) called for a Washington visit to all sides for calm. EU Council President Donald Tusk said he put on a uniform Position of the EU member States to “support democratic forces” in Venezuela.

The EU’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini called for an “immediate political process that leads to trusted free and credible elections in Accordance with the Constitution”. The voice of the Venezuelan people should not be ignored.

Moscow criticized the attitude of the West

Russia has criticized the behavior of Western countries in connection with the struggle for power in Venezuela. The events in the South American country “show clearly the attitude of the progressive international community with respect to international law, sovereignty and Non-interference in the internal political Affairs of a country in which they wish to have a change of power,” said foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Thursday in the Online network Facebook.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan assured Maduro by telephone support. “Brother Maduro, hold your head high, Turkey remains at your side”, Erdogan told his Venezuelan counterpart, said presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin.

Maduro and Erdogan has a close relationship. Both because of its dealing with the Opposition in the criticism. The Turkish head of state had assured Venezuela’s President during a visit to Caracas in December his support.

Also in Mexico, and socialist Cuba were behind Maduro. This was on 10. January started officially his second term. The largest part of the Opposition had boycotted the presidential election in may 2018, however, and recognizes the result as well as the EU, the USA and many Latin American countries. (anf/sda/afp)

Created: 24.01.2019, 09:02 PM