– There is no set national climate change targets, which drives the reduction of greenhouse gases ambitious enough forward.

– lack of a well thought out strategy that ensures a clear effort in all relevant sectors and in all policy areas.

Denmark does not contribute enough to the international funding of climate action in developing countries.

How to write Troels D in a borgerforslag, there have been more than 30,000 support in just 9 days.

If the proposal achieves 50,000 to support before. 16. July should the parliament have a vote, and if it ends up being adopted, so both Denmark, Europe and a number of developing countries better equipped to fight against climate change:

– Denmark need a new klimalov that sets a clear framework for the Danish climate efforts.

– the Law should oblige Denmark to set national climate change targets that live up to the Paris agreement in the short, medium and long term.

– the Setting of these targets should be based on a CO2 budget, which shows where the major emissions of Denmark, taken together, can have up to 2050.

the Law should determine, to the reduction of greenhouse gases is a cross-cutting considerations that should be included in all relevant policies and be a key objective for the whole society.

– the Aim of the proposal is to strengthen Denmark’s contribution to the global climate through an ambitious effort, both nationally and internationally.

– Denmark is to be a driving force in the development of a european and international climate policy, which supports the Paris agreement and the goal of keeping the temperature rise down to 1.5 degrees, like Denmark must comply with the agreement to provide additional support to the poor and klimasårbare countries, writes Zoe, who also has put figures on how much money Denmark must invest in climate action in poor countries:

– in Addition to the pro-poor foreign aid, which currently is at 0.7% of gross national income (GNI), must be allocated a pool for the klimabistand, so Denmark supplies a contribution, which is reasonable compared to our economic standing.

– Klimapuljen must be at least 5 billion. kr. on the year, writes Mike in the the proposal, which – if the support continues at the same pace – to hit the target of 50,000 support for a week.

You can support the proposal here – remember your NemID.

the PRINCIPLES OF A NEW KLIMALOV (from borgerforslaget)

1. Denmark must make its contribution to the achievement of the Paris agreement’s objectives, There must be a clearly defined and ambitious long-term goal for the Danish climate efforts. The independent klimaråd, which was established in 2014 to analyze where the major emitters in Denmark overall, can have up to 2050 in order to live up to the Paris agreement. At the same time, the council shall assess, when Denmark is to achieve a goal of net nuludslip.

the Analysis should take its starting point in that the global temperature increase must be kept at a maximum of 1.5 degrees, and in a precautionary approach in relation to the risks associated with deferring action in anticipation of future technological progress. Denmark’s historic responsibility, consumption, and economic opportunities to contribute to the solution of the problem of climate change should be included in the analysis.The recommendations should subsequently be treated by the government and the Danish Parliament and entered in the klimaloven as a binding, long-term minimum target for the national climate policy. Klimarådet must then continuously assess whether climate action is on the right path, and whether there is a need for the target to be tightened.

2. There should be a five-year milestones at least 15 years fremDer must be five-year national sub-goals or ”CO2-budgets” in the light of the new long-term climate goals.The mechanism to determine ”budgets” are known in advance from the budget act, there is a fiscal tool. In line with the budget law should klimaloven create a management system with budgets, as both the state and local governments must comply – in this case the maximum discharge of greenhouse gas benefits.

CO2-budgets must be set so as to contribute to the achievement of the long-term climate targets on the net nuludslip via a sliding reduktionssti towards the goal. Pacing in the 5-year milestones should follow the Paris agreement mechanism that the countries of the world every 5. year must review and update their national climate plans and targets.

The Danish sub-goals must, in other words, genbesøges every 5. year, and they should reflect the highest possible level of ambition and could only be raised and not lowered – in line with the Paris agreement requirements.Milestones to ensure clarity for politicians, businesses, municipalities and citizens about the direction and speed of the conversion and, thus, that there is a constant focus on climate action among all actors.

3. Climate considerations be integrated in other policies, the Law must establish that the reduction of greenhouse gases is a cross-cutting considerations that should be included in all relevant policies across government departments and be a key objective for the Danish society. Therefore, there should also be targets for the main greenhouse gas emitting sectors – energy, agriculture and transport.

In connection with its own new bill, the government should ensure that there should be a separate calculation of the proposal’s consequences for the climate, in the same way as today calculations of, for example, the fiscal and economic implications of the proposal.

Similarly, calculations of climate impacts should be carried out in connection with the relevant action plans o. etc. Increased emissions of greenhouse gases by new initiatives, the government should come up with proposals as to how the increase in discharge may be compensated.

it is important, Therefore, to regnemetoderne – including assessing climate – needs to be reviewed so as to create a true and fair basis in order to determine the socio-economic long-term gains and costs.Finally, the law should strengthen the interaction with the municipalities, so that these receive clear signals about the direction and their obligation to contribute to the national objectives and milestones reached.

There should also be greater co-ownership and knowledge in the population in order to ensure that climate change action will get more attention in society as a whole, through the bl.a. a priority of public education, teaching in schools, the support of the corporate climate action etc.

4. Klimarådet should be strengthened and ensure the independence of Klimarådet has played an important role in recent years to advise the government and Parliament through the current releases of klimaanalyser and reports. Klimaloven to strengthen klimarådets role as an independent, research-based, multi-disciplinary adviser of the government and the Parliament.

the Council shall, on fol.a. determine the Danish CO2 budget and assess the Danish climate targets should be set. Precisely this is a central task of the british ”Committee on Climate Change”, in whose image the Danish klimaråd was created. In the Uk, the government should also provide a more comprehensive klimaredegørelse and specific follow-up on the uk klimaråds recommendations than is the case in Denmark.

5. Denmark to focus on the development of green solutions Klimaloven must establish that it is a clear Danish interest to maintain and develop Danish know-how on climate-related technological solutions in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency, system solutions and adaptation to climate change.

the Law must therefore help to ensure a strong focus on promoting research, development and application of climate-related solutions, so the strong Danish competences to be developed further, Denmark also in the future contribute to solving the global climate challenge, while creating green jobs and exports.

Concrete should klimaloven instruct the government to draw up and continuously update a climate and technological innovation strategy, which identifies key areas of research and which ensure the multi-annual public r & d expenditures, reflecting the area’s importance for the Danish economy.

6. Denmark must be a driving force in international climate policy Klimaloven must determine that Denmark shall be a driving force in an international climate policy that benefits both rich and poor countries, and that climate, therefore, must be one of the main priorities in Denmark’s foreign, development – and EU-policy.

the Key interventions will be to seek to enhance the EU’s climate target for 2030, in accordance with the 1.5 degree target; to work for, to as many as possible of the world’s countries increase the ambition in the revised national climate plans, which shall be delivered to the united nations framework convention on climate change in 2020; to work for the EU and many other countries submit the long-term climate policies for the united nations framework convention on climate change in 2020, as called for in the Paris agreement, and that these strategies aim at fulfillment of the 1.5 degree target.

It should also be reflected in the law, that Denmark will work for the EU and other rich countries to live up to the obligation of the COP15 and the Paris agreement to support developing countries, including to deliver 100 billion in international climate finance per year from 2020, and Denmark will contribute with the support to these countries. In addition to the pro-poor foreign aid, which currently is at 0.7% of gross national income (GNI), must be allocated a pool for the klimabistand, so Denmark supplies a contribution, which is reasonable compared to our economic standing. Klimapuljen must be at least 5 billion. kr. of the year.

Source: Borgerforslag.dk

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