the COURT IN LYNGBY, denmark (Ekstra Bladet): – I feel a real hard blow in the back of the head. I am well aware that I have been hit by the axe, and takes me to the head. There are quite a lot of blood. I think ‘we do not survive it here.’

How to explain a 20-year-old woman in court in Lyngby, denmark on the sinister økseoverfald, as she and her peers girlfriend was exposed to at the Circle K gas station in Birkerød, 17. February last year, where a 30-year-old mentally ill man attacks kæresteparret with an axe.

the 112 – 24. jan. 2019 – at. 10:22 Øksemand say sorry to its victims: – I was deeply psychotic

The young couple is still deeply affected by the axe-attack. Therefore, asking for their assistance-lawyer, Helle Hald, that the 30-year-old being led out of the courtroom while giving evidence. The pair has also scored navneforbud, while the judge rejected a claim on the closed doors during their explanation.

The 30-year-old explained in court that he was only after the couple’s car, because he wanted to escape from the ‘voices’, which pursued him and which he thought would kill him.

But the 20-year-old woman believes that the 30-year-old went targeted her and her boyfriend to assault them – and he nothing said during the attack. First, because the couple even offered him that he could get the keys to the car, he accepted this, but the woman’s boyfriend had of the revolutions inside the shop lost the keys.

Kæresteparret was run to Circle K to buy candy and noticed the 30-year-old, who went ‘a little strange back and forth’ outside the tank. As the couple had paid for the sweets, they went out of the store, where the 30-year-old grabbed hold of the woman’s boyfriend.

– I ran into again. I thought he was out to rob the idea, but he said nothing. He ran after me into the back of the store, where he struck me. I did not know at first what he was. He took a hold of my boyfriend, and he chased us around the store. It dawned on me that it was us he was after. He would not rob the cashier. My gf yells to the clerk, that she must give him everything she has. But she is in shock and just stand and look, explains the 20-year-olds.

the 112 – 24. jan. 2019 – at. 09:10 Øksemand too sick for prison: 19-year-old pair of chopped down at the gas station

Her boyfriend explains in court that he tried to defend her by jumping on the axeman, as he first slaps her inside the store. He slaps her again in the back of the head.

– It feels like ten minutes or an hour. I think ‘it here just doesn’t happen’. I’m thinking ‘we must be damned hard to not die in here’. The 20-year-old asked the axeman if he would have his car. The he replied ‘ yes ‘ to. But the 20-year-old had lost his keys during the revolutions in the store, and out of the car went axeman on the loose on the 20-year-olds. On surveillance video, which was shown in court, one can see that the axeman will strike after the 20-year-old three-four times with the ax.

– He hit me at least three times, explaining the 20-year-old in court.

the Trial continues Thursday afternoon.