– 9. november, I was operated at Gentofte hospital for kidney stones.

– I was running from sygestuen to the operating room and parked right outside the operating room, while they prepared the operating room.

– While I was there, I talked with many people and one of them said suddenly to me: ‘I take your glasses, she was maybe a narkosesygeplejerske.

so begins Per L a letter to the nation! about it in his (brilleløse)the eyes of the miserable situation he ended up in after a visit at Gentofte Hospital. For although he of course is glad that the doctors removed his kidney stones, as were his glasses pist away when he woke up after the anesthesia. And them they will not replace, as you can read in the Pers letter, which continues as follows:

She took my glasses from me, and went away with them, and I had nothing to argue against, because I know that by the anesthetic I get a mask over the face.

She said nothing about where she went with them or how I could get them again.

– On the sygestuen all of my belongings are stowed in a locked closet after instruction from the staff.

– My glasses I had on, as it is described in the applicable procedures in the hospital that the glasses are allowed to wear during my stay.

– When I some hours later after the operation is once again on the sygestuen and need to pack to discharge, I say to a nurse that I must have my glasses.

– She goes along with a second immediately to the operating room to find them, but without result. My glasses are gone!!!

– All says to me that I obviously get them replaced – which I of course trust.

– I will be sent home from the hospital in a taxi without my glasses.

– Since I am missing my glasses more I can not drive a car and my appointments at the hospital involving the now drive with Falck at the Hospital’s expense.

– After 5 weeks I get the writing message from the Gentofte hospital, that they will not replace my glasses – which is perfectly incomprehensible to me.

– I am totally handicapped without my glasses, can’t read, can’t drive, can’t see the lyrics on the TV, etc.

– I use the expensive glasses and a new pair will cost about 10000,- and as a pensioner it is a not insignificant printing, writing Per, who has posted it in his (brilleløse) eyes dull response from the hospital management with:

In 2018 had Herlev and Gentofte Hospital 87 actions for damages, and paid a total of 188.076,97 dollars in damages.

the communications department writes that it must be seen in relation to that in 2018 a total of 116.490 print job and 885.257 attendance (outpatient visits), but what are you thinking?