“Amanda Lind shows that the MP does not see islamism”

“the Debaters: We will gladly help the party to remedy the problem.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. The green party obviously has big blind spots as regards radical islamism. “

“This shows itself time and time again, most recently with our new culture and demokratiminister that unreservedly the counting-up during the previous term was” minister for housing Mehmet Kaplan, was among the party of green ”pioneers and heroes”. “

“Amanda’s statement things are only seemingly superficial – he arrived safely just on the ”banana peels” in the enumeration, otherwise Ygeman commented afterwards. But then, we want to order sake to recall the circumstances surrounding the petningen of Kaplan, and how it was handled by the green Party. “

“the Decision was taken, therefore, to 2016, after Stefan Löfven had enough after Kaplan repeatedly refused to put all the cards on the table about their contacts with the Turkish regime affiliated individuals and groups with clearly anti-democratic and anti-semitic agenda. “

“Kaplan was the first active muslim who became a minister in a Swedish government. But his ten-year career in parliament was marred by controversial statements that angered other muslims. “

“when he equated the state of Israel’s actions with the nazi’s in the 1930s, or comparing those who traveled to fight for IS, thus, the most violent and terrorbenägna movement in the world currently, in Syria with the volunteers in the Finnish winter war. “

“It should also be mentioned that he 2011 invited antisemite Yvonne Ridley, who expressed admiration for the al Qaeda-ideologen Anwar al-Awlaki, to the riksdag. (Kaplan took sometimes back what he said, or blamed on the lack of background information, but the long line of similar ”mistakes” is true to a reflection.)”

“When Löfven announced its decision, was not miljöpartisterna at his side to meet the press. The party’s official explanation for the petningen was that Kaplan could not perform its job because of the questioning of him as a person. “

“But according to Gustav Fridolin was the image of the Kaplan ”unfair,” and he called him ”a democrat, antirasist and humanist”. Three words that we define radically different than what Fridolin obviously do. “

“That the green Party acting in this way contrasts strongly against the prime minister’s words in the regeringsförklaringen about an escalation of the fight against anti-semitism by a museum about the Holocaust history and the new skolsatsningar to keep the memory alive. But anti-semitism is not just the story, it is very much alive. “

“We wonder, Included the current anti-semitism in the drive, and put it emanates from other cultures as well? In this case, it is inevitable that not also examine its own ranks and organisations are treated fairly benignly in the Swedish society. “

“Will the increased investments give more money to the organizations that purport to work against racism, but who, in fact, are fueling the radical jihadism? A problem that the foundation Document in the past illuminated.”

“Representatives of radical islamism, has tried to gain ground also in other political parties, which has also been discussed on a broad front. But no Swedish party have opened their arms to the representatives, with opinions in this direction nearly as much as just the green Party. “

“We, the board of directors of the Foundation Document, which examines våldsbejakande islamism. We focus on investigative journalism, and has already published a series of revelations, which won the large spread in the Swedish media. We now offer our skills to the green Party. “

“We choose to believe that the party’s conduct is all about ignorance, so let us remedy it!”

“beyond the board of directors of the Foundation Dokuu002Fdoku.nunPeter GustavssonnAnna-Lena LodeniusnJohan LundbergnSofie LöwenmarknMagnus Sandelin ”

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