this Year’s dress for barnebruden, CE-marked sminkesæt to the young prostitutes, feminine helmet for børnesoldaten, fun t-shirt for ‘husslaven’, sweet sucker-bra for the minor mother and the light and handy suitcase for the little refugee.

This is what The Girl Store has to offer. The shop is created in connection with the coming of the Denmark Collection 2. February 2019.

the Theme this year is focused on young girls, among other things, exposed to the sex trade, slavery, work as børnesoldat and the title as a mother too early in life.

‘When poverty and escape sets in, children are the first victims, and this year we are focusing on the girls, that belong to a particularly vulnerable group in society. They often experience violence, early pregnancy and forced marriages, and they have limited access to education,’ writes The Girl Shop as the backdrop for the campaign, among other things, abound on Facebook.

On the independent website The Girl Shop you can see all of the fictional products, which also listed a fictitious price. Besides price, there is also a description of the products, also can seem tragic-comic.

’the end of the dress to barnebruden’ is salgsteksten to the bridal gown Photo: The Girl Shop/Danmarks Indsamling

‘This seamless breastfeeding bra with skumindlæg is developed for the young mother, who wants a sweet and feminine design without compromising on comfort and quality. The bra gives a great support, and the breathable material adapts to your body’s changes. The bra gives the perfect silhouette under your clothes, and the low neckline makes it ideal for low cut clothing. The bra can be easily operated with one hand’.

the Reactions on Facebook have been mixed, but many misunderstand the short video of the products and their description.

People are commenting on, among other things:

‘Fy for satan … an ugly ad !! Barnebrud, slut, refugee …is that the goal, for the girls ‘ ambitions?’ writes Facebook user Lone to The Girl Shops video lookups.

‘no matter what your intent is with the ad – so is it distasteful and obnoxious – find a different marketing agency – it is also in contravention with the Danish marketing practices act’, writes Gitte and Ole. Here the Danish Collection state that they are not covered by the Danish marketing practices act.

‘Ok…I flag the ad and calls on all others to do the same. Yesterday just over the line here,’ writes Charlotte.

But there have also been positive reactions, and many believe that it is ‘good thought’ and ‘a mega good way to grab people’s attention on’.

‘Feminine helmet for børnesoldaten’ is this picture. Photo credit: The Girl Shop/Danmarks Indsamling

Ekstra Bladet has been in touch with the president of the Denmark Collection, red Mullet Korsholm, who have described the mind and the message behind the campaign. the

– What response is expected In that would come on your campaign? the

– We would like to shout the danes up with The Girl Shop, just because we want to put the theme on the agenda and make the reality for the world’s vulnerable girls to it, we are talking about and to it, we have the opportunity to be with to change. Because no girls should be mothers, when they themselves are children, or being married away against their will to a man who could be their father.

– What has the intention been? the

– the Danish collection 2019 forces the world’s vulnerable girls. Those who never receive an education. Those who are forced to kill as child soldiers. Those who are married away to men who could be their fathers. Those who become mothers while they themselves are children. The Girl Shop, it’s creative grip, which should put the collection on the danes ‘ agenda. In other words it is a visual translation of the gruesome realities that are life for the world’s vulnerable girls – and a call to support the girls.

– Have had violent requests or attempts to close your campaign? the

– the Campaign has been incredibly well received, and people have really engaged in it. There has been some, who think that the campaign goes to the line, but the campaign is far from as violent as the reality for many of the world’s vulnerable girls. A reality, which is not for children. We want the campaign to draw attention to.

– Why if you choose to place a message in this way? the

– Because other people’s difficult circumstances in the outside world is a reality, we can often get to close our eyes to it. The Girl Shop should make it harder to ignore the situation, and easier to exchange anger and outrage to sympathy and support.

– Where did the idea come from? the

– By looking at the things that characterise the vulnerable women everyday and put it in contrast to our own lives and reality.

– What is the message? the

– the Message is that the world’s vulnerable girls often live a life that is not for children – and need your help.