I am me in a lot in the course of the last five years. This is because I, like you, have had the belief in a bourgeois regjeringssamarbeid. I have had the belief that we have benefited from a shift, and that this cooperation will benefit both the individual and the society to the good.

I have endured rumblings and idiotic debates about the taxfreekvoter and speed limits, because I have let myself convince by your faith that you will have to compromise to get support for their own policies. I thought that by being patient and swallow some camels, it will pay off in the long run.

Therefore have I defended you . I defended you when you tightened in on asylum and immigration policy. I defended you when you made it easier to hire temporary. I defended you incredibly, even then you were too late on the pitch in the handling of Sylvi Listhaug.

I’ve defended you many times, but it is first now I have asked myself the question: at what price? It is now I see what you are actually willing to sacrifice in order to retain power, and will have to consider if I manage to defend yourself more. For what you choose to sacrifice turns out to be me.

I may not endure that you leave a party with a support level of four per cent limit my basic rights to decide over their own body. A party that looks at this innskrenkningen as a political victory. I can’t find me in that you open for their kristenkonservative dream world, where we must feel a tremendous shame in an already difficult situation and able to give birth to more children than we really can.

I am unable to defend that you ask us to give birth to more children, at the same time as you give the christian democratic party has a veto on the biotechnology question. I manage not to argue that this will not lead to class distinctions, when gifted women have the opportunity to travel abroad, while those who are not as lucky will have to be exposed to risky fostervannsprøver, andropause and bear the shame of having to face in a committee.

I am no longer proud that we have a bourgeois government. I’m not proud of that Right was re-elected. I’m certainly not proud of that Right has been given to the first bourgeois flertallsregjeringen since the 80’s. For it has cost more than it tastes. The pride is replaced with shame. I am ashamed that I voted on the Right and I am ashamed that a bourgeois government to carry out the initial squeezing of abortloven since it was introduced.

I feel an overwhelming powerlessness and despair, so I have realized that it is enough now. I can no longer defend you and a policy which is becoming more and more kvinnefiendtlig and backward. I can no longer sit and hope that one day it gets better, when you time and time again proves the exact opposite.

Now, I give me, and have as a result, it decided two things. For the first I am going to participate on the international women’s day 8. march. It is the first time I participate in the train, and it is solely your merit, Erna. For the second I shall no longer vote civilly. It is not everything I agree with the left about, but they take anyhow women seriously. And for me, it is much more important than the fact that I compromise myself forward to be able to run the 110 on the highway and eat lakrispipe.

No, Ropstad. If you manage one, manage one, not necessarily two Debate