Hardly a large group pays in the EU, the proposed tax rate. The EU authorities to strive against trickery. That you come here, barely, is the Federal government.

It is a fight against wind mills, has to date yielded only modest results. The role of Don Quijote, in this case, the EU falls to the Commission.

Since the autumn of 2014, following the announcement of the so-called LuxLeaks scandal, the authorities in Brussels, the tricky strategies to tackle, with many corporations to minimize their tax burden at the expense of the competition successfully.

around 70 billion euros per year experts estimate the amount that is lost alone in the EU. Also the fact that – as the study of the Green shows – great companies rarely pay the regular tax rate.

tax law is a matter for the member States

But tax law is still the domain of the member States. And even the most resolute, the competition Commissioner, Margrete Vestager’s hard to find the phenomenon of “Tax Rulings”, those confidential agreements in Europe’s tax havens, the citizens appear to be many Normal disreputable, but not always illegal.

In the fall of 2015, the Dane announced that appropriate special conditions, for example, for the car maker Fiat in Luxembourg to or for the coffee house chain Starbucks in the Netherlands, are to be considered prohibited state aid. The Apple group in Ireland verdonnerte Vestager to a Payment of 13 billion euros.

Sven Giegold, financial spokesman for the Greens in the European Parliament, asked the questions at that time, more Fairness and transparency in tax. The Figures presented are intended to highlight the urgency of the: “It is unacceptable that the largest companies benefit the most from the European tax dumping,” he says. “Our study clearly shows how big the gap between nominal tax rates and actual taxes paid.”