Sweden has finally got a new government – 134 days after the swedes went to the options. But already after the first day one of the government’s new ministers in the face of adversity.

Until yesterday, she was relatively unknown among the swedes, but after appointment to the committee on culture, democracy and idrætsminister, Amanda Lind come to on everyone’s lips.

It writes several Swedish media, including SVT, Nyheter24 and Aftonbladet.

the Reason for the criticism of the new minister is that she is in Monday, put a post out on Instagram, where she covered the members of her party (miljöpartiet), who sat in the government from 2014 to 2018.

Show this posting on Instagram

Under the gånga the term of office bröt Miljöpartiet de gröna new field in spring politiska historia. För första gången ingick we are in a government. För första gången hade we gröna council of state. @gustav_fridolin, @isabellalovin, @perbolund, @alicebahkuhnke, @petererikssonmp, @karolinacyklar – och mellan 2014-2016 Åsa Romson och Mehmet Kaplan – as våra första gröna ministrar varit pionjärer, hjältar, which has kämpat varje day för att förverkliga Miljöpartiets policy of check och klimat, democracy, jämställdhet och rättvisa. Nine och era medarbetare have done great acts of the och betytt hugely för Miljöpartiet och den gröna rörelsen. Jag är djupt tacksam över att as partisekreterare ha gotten samarbeta with is. Ni ska ha it största av tack för era insatser under dessa fyra year. Imorgon presenterar Stefan Löfven its new government. It är redan känt att Gustav och Alice lämnar sina statsrådsuppdrag. Kloka texter av them the right hittas on their instagram. A new fas tar vid när ännu mer grön policy ska förverkligas. Tillsammans gör vi skillnad!

A spread shared by Amanda Lind (@amandalind__) the

But among them, she called for ‘heroes and pioneers’, is the former housing minister Mehmet Kaplan, who in 2016, was forced to resign when it emerged that he had previously compared Israel with nazi Germany, just as he had been seen in company with the leader of the Turkish right-wing extremists are The Grey wolves and the islamic movement of the Mili Görüs.

Among her critics is Liberalernas party leader, Jan Björklund.

This is a very bad start for Amanda Lind. I go out from that, she quickly straightens up at this and takes distance from the Kaplans act, for it was unacceptable, he says to SVT.

Amanda Lind’s hair has also aroused the attention and accused of cultural appropriering. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

In the tv broadcast Nyhetsmorgon at TV4 explained Amanda Lind Tuesday, what her attitude to Mehmet Kaplan is, and why she paid tribute to the former minister:

– He committed error. He went of. It was the right thing, and it was good. It seems I am now, and I also seemed at the time.

– He is a part of our history, and I wanted to show with this lookup.

Her ministerkollega and the incoming energy and digitaliseringsminster, Anders Ygeman (S), supported on Lind by saying:

– I see it in the way that she as a former party secretary would like to thank the green ministers, he said to the SVTs Morgonstudion.

another criticism is her choice of hairstyle. The founder of menstruationsmuseet in Amsterdam, Linnea Celik, prosecutor Amanda Lind for having a racist hairstyle.

‘Your hairstyle is cultural appropriering – a kind of blackface for the hair. How do you plan to work with to counteract the racism in the culture-Sweden?’

Linnea Celik compare Amanda Lind, rastafarihår with that one as the white paint in the face to look like a black person. Something that was very popular in american revues forward to the mid-1900s.