handling the Left with the fear of many of Berlin’s apartment in search of the wrath of dawn drives me in the face. The Left promotes the growing housing shortage and ruled at the same time as the Robin Hood of the apartment. With expropriation it wants to create, to the applause of some of the Green missing the living room! This is impossible, unconstitutional and unreliable.

The municipal housing companies alone are not able to cover in spite of great efforts the growing housing needs. Therefore, Berlin is in need of in need of housing search construction companies in housing construction by cooperatives and private Apartment. Who slows of them, however, interferes and fights, instead of engaging them, the brake housing and increases the Distress.

He makes himself responsible for rising Rents, a housing shortage and Fears. It is no coincidence that the number of building permits issued in Berlin for over a year, after they had recorded over the years, previously double-digit growth rates. The Left knows all of this, and therefore populist, perfidious and hypocritical is your course of action.

property is fundamental and freedom rights

our constitutional fathers and mothers was clear, what don’t want to have the Left one until today: the property is a basic freedom and right. His withdrawal is not subject to high requirements, which are available here. With your anti-constitutional populism, the Left-hand exceeds the red line, and once again revealed her dubious understanding of the state. The successor party to the SED may have tried with your now three-time renaming, to hide the traces of their responsibility in the unjust state GDR. Your attitude from the time of the party dictatorship, however, have remained. For them, the nationalization of large housing stocks is just the beginning on the way through to changing ownership and social conditions.

daily mirror people

for Free order

Where should the result in the left-populist embrace of the expropriation activists, in the Erfurt program of the left party of 2011 read, which is open to the move to forget the long lost socialist principles calls for. The expropriation fantasies of the Left show that they are also not arrive 30 years after the fall of the Berlin wall still in our free and democratic Germany. You don’t want to admit that socialism is a failure and alone, the Social market economy is the free development of the personality of the funds to Finance our welfare state.

The long-term research, “Who owns Berlin” is a collaboration of the daily mirror, with the non-profit research center Correctiv. On our platform wem-gehoert-berlin.de you can tell us who is the owner of your apartment, and what experience have you had with your landlord. Using the data we are looking for irresponsible business practices and make the property market more transparent. Sent in history be only> with your consent

published An irresponsible handling of taxpayers ‘ money

<p, And what makes the SPD? The mayor's making things up on the buyback of over 50 000 GSW flats, for sale 15 years ago, the SPD and the left party fraction of the state budget, have redeemed, what would be the cost of such a business, the taxpayer today. How can he pull such a irresponsible use of tax funds? How can he arouse such expectations, without considering the debt brake of the basic law on the financing of such a multi-billion dollar deal even once thought? How can he raise hopes which he cannot fulfill? How can he make Berlin believe that he can search as a result, the housing shortage on the housing to relieve? Why not he focuses on the construction of housing, the only effective means against the housing shortage? Why did he let the left-wing populists in a panic?

The author Burkard Dregger is a member of the house of representatives of Berlin, and since 2018 Chairman of the CDU group.Photo: Kai-Uwe Heinrich

it Dawns on the SPD, whom they turned into the government’s boat? To the left right at the beginning of the government’s time with Ex-Stasi man Holm as housing Secretary of state to provoke. At the beginning of January, the Left celebrated unabashedly in the founding of the KPD 100 years ago. Now it comes with expropriations around the corner, the deter even well-intentioned German investors, and not only Berlin landlords and entrepreneurs concerned questions: What is a left number to the next?

The Senate plays the apartment owners in the cards

the Greens are now at a crossroads. You can no longer maintain no longer a bourgeois Image, if you want to follow the rhetoric of expropriations.

in fact, the SPD, greens and the Left promote, through their policy alone, the chances of any of the apartment owners. Who has apartments at the property, by the brakes of the housing, significant value gains. The apartment search is not served.

The red-red-green coalition has been ruined. It is about time that the bourgeois reason comes in the responsibility.”

More about

marten stone for the housing policies in Berlin the success model of the GDR

Harald Martenstein

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