Django David Levakovic, 45, who is shown constantly, can’t keep away from Denmark.

Now he has for the third time violated his ban, and today he has been remanded in custody in Copenhagen dommervagt for 13 days.

He acknowledged the violation and explained – as he also did the other two times – that his mother is ill, and therefore he travels to Denmark to visit her.

16. march 2017 and 26. July 2018 got Django Levakovic convictions for violation of the ban, and now he stands to his third judgment.

Django Levakovic was arrested last night at. 23.40, as a police patrol found him at the place of stay, H17 on the Close. It is not known how long he has stayed in Denmark.

Plus Shown Levakovic-the gangster is back in Denmark: the Risk of its judgment, the number 33

The 81-year-old mother’s condition is apparently unchanged, for Django Levakovic came with the same explanation about the sick mother the first time he was arrested 16. February 2017 for violating the entry ban, and when he was arrested the second time 19. July of last year.

In July, it was a police patrol, who randomly discovered Django Levakovic in Istedgade, where he stood on the street together with his brother the gypsy-the boss above everything else ’the Boss’ Levakovic.

21. april 2015, sent to the Supreme court of Django Levakovic out of Denmark forever.

He was deported to Croatia, when he had finished serving a five-year sentence for a brutal hjemmerøveri against an ailing 77-year-old man in Kastrup.

Django Levakovic now has at least 33 convictions for various crimes, including two convictions for violation of the ban.

23. august 2012 committed Django Levakovic along with its also vanekriminelle brother Stefano Levakovic a hjemmerøveri against a 77-year-old man in Kastrup.

the Day before had the brothers stolen the man’s wallet with $ 2000. and 100 euro outside of a kiosk, and they therefore knew where he lived.

Wrong cops
The troppede up at his apartment, and published for the police. They came into the apartment, where they divided the man’s apartment at, cut the pillows up, and rolled the books down from the bookcase to find the money.

When the 77-year-old tried to flee, he was with violence taken back in the living room and pressed down on the floor, while hjemmerøverne cut off his emergency phone.

Both the Copenhagen city Court and the Eastern high Court convicted the brothers for hjemmerøveri and showed both forever. Django Levakovic appealed to Højesreret, which upheld the expulsion, while Stefano Levakovic abandoned his appeal and was sent to Croatia.

the Supreme court stated that Django Levakovic should be deported regardless of whether he is born and raised in Denmark and has his mother and his siblings here.

Denmark’s most criminal family

opens the Denmark arms for the Dusi and Rubinka Levakovic and gives them a residence permit.

later, all the adult members of the family over 18 years in three generations committed the crime.

is it about seven living – including Monika Petrovic – and two deceased. Some of them are named/named Petrovic to the surname. From this generation is the only Monika and her sister Silvia, who are Danish nationals.

there are total of 50 family members in the country.

can go on the discovery of a unique digital family tree and get the whole family’s dramatic history in Denmark here.

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