“It must be cheaper to hire safe now”

“Anders Wallner: Important proposals to the minister for employment Ylva Johansson”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Today was Ylva Johansson renewal of the mandate of that minister, the highest political responsibility for safe working conditions and that more people feel good at work. “

“I now want to give the minister a proposal to create incentives for more secure employment.”

“working in a precarious employment often means to be encircled to the next work session and not knowing from week to week how much you can work. It means that you don’t know what salary you will get. This can lead to increased stress and poorer health, especially if you are working as a longer period of time and can’t plan their future. “

“Next week, leaving the Investigation for sustainable working life over time, which I lead, its final report with proposals on, inter alia, how the government can strengthen the security system of workers with a short, fixed-term employment contracts. “

“these Proposals are important contributions to a world of work where fewer wear out. “

“In our interim report last year, we were able to show that stress and mental ill-health to a large extent, affects the employees, particularly in female – dominated sectors- and costs society billions annually.”

“On the Swedish labour market is a permanent position the main rule according to the law. The commission’s survey shows, however, that the exceptions to the general rule which is intended to be used when the employer has temporary workload peaks, sickness absence, or for example, when the students wants to work – in the day is increasingly used routinely and when it should go to anticipate the need for manpower. “

“The main reason that employers are hiring temporary rather seem to be that it is cheaper, than that the need is temporary. The commission’s impression is that there are economic reasons that discourage the law and the norm of indefinite duration that is supposed to apply.”

“Why should the government consider to make it more expensive to hire temporary and cheaper to hire until further notice. The government should review the possibility to introduce a system of differentiated social security contributions in order to stimulate open-ended contracts as the norm.”

“This not only creates more secure jobs but also better jobs. To constantly meet the new temporary colleagues who need to be taught create stress, even for the regular staff. Customers and users deserve more continuity, particularly in the health and social care. “

“in Addition, temporary employment, people’s personal finances and the national economy. An individual who must piece together the hours have a greater risk of part-time employment. In the long run it will be difficult to get a reasonable pension. Precarious work creates costs we all pay for it. “

“In fyrpartiöverenskommelsen is the S, MP, C and L agree on a green tax shift of sek 15 billion. The principle behind the commission’s proposal to investigate the differentiated employer’s social security contributions is the same – increase the cost of what you want to see more of and reduce the cost of what you want to see less of. “

“With the differentiated employer’s social security contributions do not need to the total cost of hiring increase – but it favours the serious employers who take greater responsibility for their employees and for the economy, while those who do not may pay more.”

“Several european countries such as Spain, France and Portugal have such systems. In some cases, paid the extra tax back if the employment turns into a permanent position. These models need to be highlighted when you start to investigate a Swedish model. We also list a number of other aspects in our final report.”

“With this proposal, I wish you welcome back to the ministry of employment, Ylva Johansson, and look forward to a surrender of the commission of inquiry’s other conclusions next week.”

“nAnders Wallner, Special investigator, Investigation for sustainable working life over time”

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