“Putin and Abe in a meeting on the disputed group of islands,”

“the Disunity of the archipelago of the Kuril islands has prevented Japan and Russia from formal peace after the second world war. Now meet the two countries ‘ leaders, again, for the call of the islands that both claim the right to.”

“the Soviet union took over the islands from Japan during the second world war, the last days, but Japan refuses to accept the Russian sovereignty.”

“the Meeting will be the twenty-fifth time, Shinzo Abe, and Vladimir Putin meet since 2013, a clear sign that they are intent on cooperation in spite of the dispute over the Kuril islands. In november, the two leaders agreed to push on peace talks, but the vicious slurs from both sides have not been any further assistance for the process.”

“Abe said in his new year address to the russians living on the islands would help to accept that.”

“Last week, said Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov that Japan must stop to describe the islands as their northern territories. To get in the peace talks, Japan must recognize Russia’s sovereignty.”

” Why is Japan the only country in the world that can’t accept the the second world war result in its entirety? asked World.”

“In an interview with the Russian newspaper Kommersant says Abe that he and Putin agreed to resolve the conflict”

“A suggestion which led, already in the 1950s Japan to make a claim on only two of the islands, and that, according to the japanese news agency Kyodo leaning Abe to such a settlement.”

“It is unclear, however, whether the Kremlin will relinquish even the two small uninhabited islands. The archipelago of ensuring that the strategic control over the Okhotsk sea and to give up even the uninhabited islands are an important symbolfrĂ„ga.”

“the Islands of Russia, called the Kuril islands and Japan Nordterritorierna consists of four islands with a total of 20 000 inhabitants.”

“They are the southernmost islands in a vulkankedja which separates the Okhotsk sea from the Pacific ocean. Two of them are located just a few kilometres from the japanese coast.”

“the Dispute over the islands has prevented the two countries from formally writing a peace treaty after the second world war.”

“Russia claims that the american president Roosevelt at the yalta conference promised Joseph Stalin that the Soviet union could take back the Kuril islands in exchange for joining the war against Japan.”

“in 1956 offered Sovjetledaren Nikita Khrushchev Japan the two smallest islands in exchange for a peace treaty, but withdrew the offer since Japan formed a military alliance with the united states.”

“from a Strategic means islands that Russia has access to the Pacific ocean all year. Russia also has military bases on the islands.”