Without a Show. Accompanied by a couple of hundred Protesters, the collective bargaining partners in the public service began on Monday in Berlin, this year’s income round. The unionists justified their claim, the employer rejected as too expensive, and after a few hours we adjourned to the 6. February. Until then, Verdi and the trade unions of teachers and police officers now have time to drums with warning Strikes for your ideas: Six percent more money for the employees of the länder, but at least 200 euros a month. Still 300 Euro extra for the nursing staff, and at least 100 euros for apprentices and improvements in the classification of workers.

employers speak of ten percent

According to the calculations of the tariff community of the Länder (TdL) makes the entire claim package, ten percent; each one percent increase in the personnel costs of the Federal States to 1.3 billion euros, says Berlin’s Finance Senator Matthias Kollatz (SPD), who leads for the first time, the negotiating Committee of the employer. In Verdi chief Frank Bsirske sits. It is his last bargaining round; in September, the then 67-Year-old goes into retirement. The successor to Frank Werneke, who officiated so far as Bsirskes Deputy.

Largest bargaining round in 2019

The tariff of conflict in the provinces, the largest income round is by far this year. Formally, it goes only to the salaries of well over a Million employees in the countries of Hesse, which is not a member of the TdL, and separately, negotiations with the trade unions. In addition to the employees of some two million civil servants and pensioners of the countries to which the collective agreement is to be transferred. So this can be expensive seats for the States that achieved in the past years, as well as the Federal budget surpluses, but also on good 570 billion euros of debt. By 2020 the debt ceiling. And the countries argue with your mountain of debt, and the final Attack of the debt brake from 2020. The TdL-Chairman Kollatz stressed at the beginning of the negotiations in the Berlin state representation of Baden-Württemberg, the conflict of the social partners: to be Attractive as an employer and, therefore, the salaries increase; the investment the country needs and repay debt.

The Situation of the countries is heterogeneous

Kollatz leads the negotiations on the part of the employer, together with the Ministers of Finance of lower Saxony and Saxony. Different checkout locations, and employs structures in the countries to take into account what requires of Kollatz a lot of skill. And Kollatz must “implement” the collective result, then as a Berlin Senator of Finance, and special features to consider: The day-care centre staff in Berlin, falls under the collective agreement of the countries in the area States, however, under the Tariff of the municipalities.

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for Free order

And on the other, Berlin is not yet fully at the level of the other provinces, because the city was for many years a TdL member and their employees and employees are less paid. In the staff area of the difference is a few percentage points, compared to Bayer. The Berlin fire brigade officials gets, according to Verdi, around twelve percent less than the Bavarian colleague.

staff costs make up 35 percent from

The average of all the länder, the personnel costs make up a share of 35 percent. That is above the level of the municipalities (share of the total cost of the 27 percent) and the Federal government, eleven per cent. The employer and the unions agree to certain shortage occupations are better remunerated. In addition to the care and education of justice and police forces, and technicians, and IT professionals. Verdi, according to the Tariff rates in the total economy has risen in the past 20 years, 4.4 percent more than in the public service of the countries. In order to solve the youth problems, it is necessary to unlock now. “The money is there, now, perspective must come at the end of personnel policy and good will,” says Verdi boss Bsirske. Kollatz, however, cautions against a “Pay-race with the private sector”, because the was not to win of the countries. The public employer could, however, points with part-time opportunities and the reconciliation of work and career. Around a third of the country’s employees work part-time.

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payment in the public service, alignment of the salaries of civil servants: resistance in the Berlin SPD

Ulrich Zawatka-Gerlach

Up to the continuation of the negotiations at the beginning of February, there will be now warning Strikes – probably in University hospitals, road maintenance depots, and in Berlin kindergartens.